RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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04Nov 2014

CFP - Public Administration Theory conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2015

Call for Papers, December 15 Deadline Public Administration Theory Network Annual Conference, May 29-31, 2015 Metropolitan Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia

Anti-Government: Different this time?

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02Nov 2014

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Public Management, University College London

UCL wishes to appoint a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer to contribute to research and teaching within the Department. We are seeking candidates with expertise in the fields of public policy and especially in public management.

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24Oct 2014

CFP - Public Policy Conference - Melbourne, Australia, January 2015

Call for papers Public Policy Network (PPN) Conference Wed 21 to Friday 23 January 2015 Venue: Deakin University 3rd floor 550 Bourke Street, Melbourne

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24Oct 2014

position in natural rsource policy and Director of Policy Analysis Group, University of Idaho, US

The College of Natural Resources (www.cnr.uidaho.edu), University of Idaho, invites applications for a full time, 12 month tenure track position as Associate/Professor of Natural Resource Policy and Management, and Director of the Policy Analysis Group. The position will be a part of the Conservation Social Sciences department and will report directly to the Dean of the College of Natural resources. This program was established by the Idaho Legislature in 1989, and serves as the primary research agency of the State of Idaho on natural resources issues

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18Oct 2014

CFP Funded workshop – ‘Climate Change Policy and Governance: Initiation, Experimentation and Evaluation, March 2015, Helsinki, Finland

This workshop takes a fresh look at what can be learned from experiments and attempts at experimentation in the context of climate change governance. The focus is on experimenting as a broader societal/governance phenomenon and on the ways experiments materialize and challenge existing policies, practices and regulatory systems. This fully funded workshop encourages exploration of experiments from many different angles with the aim to catalyse thinking about experiments, processes of experimentation and the use of experiments. It is expected to bring together new empirical and theoretical analyses. The workshop welcomes theoretical papers, methodological papers, conceptual and empirical studies or combinations thereof. The aim is to eventually publish the contributions presented at the workshop, subject to normal review process, as a Special Volume in a suitable journal.

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18Oct 2014

Journal news

A soecial issue of Foucault Studies on Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities is now available

Foucault Studies Number 18: October 2014: Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities


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18Oct 2014

Position in public management, University of Bern, Switzerland

The Center of Competence for Public Management (CCPM) at the University of Bern is an inter-faculty unit with close ties to the economics, social sciences and legal studies faculties. The CCPM works in interdisciplinary teaching, training and research in the field of public management and administrative science.

The CCPM is currently advertising for a professorship in the fields of Public Management, Public Administration, and Organization Studies.

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17Oct 2014

Position in public policy, Canberra, Australia

The Assistant Professor in Political Science/International Relations will provide outstanding academic and research leadership in the area of political science, public policy and/or international relations. The appointee will promote the Faculty with the academic and professional communities in Australia and contribute to the Faculty's teaching, research, program development and service at a national level.

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16Oct 2014

Once more with English -Theory of Public Policy @ Leuphana University

We drew attention to this post before, but at that stage the only information was in German. Now there is some guidance in English.

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14Oct 2014

Position in public management, National University of Kazakhstan

The Graduate School of Public Policy of Nazarbayev University invites applications for full-time positions at all ranks to begin in 2015. We are interested in candidates with strong research and teaching interest in two or more of the following areas:

   Public Management
   Public Finance
   Regulatory government
   Public administration/NPM
   Regional and local government
   Comparative political systems

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07Oct 2014

Workshop on policy design and non-design, March-April 2015, Warsaw, Poland

Proposal for a Workshop ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops Warsaw, Poland 29 March - 2 April 2015 Title: Design and Non-Design in Policy-Making: When and How Policy Design Matters. Convenors; Dr. Giliberto Capano, University of Bologna Dr. Michael Howlett, Simon Fraser University and National University of Singapore

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03Oct 2014

Position in the Theory of Public Policy, Leuphana University, Germany

Leuphana University has advertised a position in the Theory of Public Policy. The advertisement is only in German, which narrows the field, but since it is unusual to see a specific reference to theory, we wanted to draw attention to it.

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23Sep 2014

Position in Politics and Public Policy, UC San Diego, US

The School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UC San Diego http://irps.ucsd.edu (http://irps.ucsd.edu) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the field of politics and public policy to begin July 1, 2015.

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20Sep 2014

CFP Interpretive Policy Analysis confrence, Lille, France, July 2015

The Lille Center for European Research on Administration, Politics and Society (CERAPS, CNRS/Université Lille 2), together with Lille 2 University, Science Po Lille and the European Social Sciences and Humanities Research Institute (MESHS) will host the 10th International Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference under the title "Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power" (see text below) in Lille (France) from 8 July 2015 to 10 July 2015.

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19Sep 2014

Position in health policy, University of New Mexico, US

The Department of Political Science, in partnership with the University's Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Center for Health Policy, invites applications for a faculty appointment in Health Politics/Policy beginning August, 2015. This appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, in a probationary position leading to a tenure decision. For best consideration, apply no later than September 20, 2014. This position will remain open until filled.

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16Sep 2014

CFP, Environmental politics and governance, Seattle, May 2015

University of Washington’s Center for Environmental Politics is organizing an international conference on Environmental Politics and Governance (EPG) in Seattle on May 14-16, 2015. The conference aims to showcase the cutting edge scholarship on EPG, provide a venue for scholars to present their research and network, and shape future EPG research across subfields in political science (American, Comparative, and International).

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16Sep 2014

Position in Environmental Policy, Indiana University US

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University seeks applicants for a full-time, tenure or tenure-track faculty position on the Bloomington campus in the area of environmental policy. The position is open-rank; we particularly encourage applications from mid-career and senior faculty. Multiple hires are possible.

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15Sep 2014

CFP - Relationship between citizens and public services - IRSPM Brirmingham UK

Rethinking the relationship between citizens and public services Closing date for paper proposals is 15 October 2014 To submit paper proposals go to www.IRSPM2015.com

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15Sep 2014

CFP - Expertise and evidence - IRSPM Birmingham UK March-April 2015

his panel provides a forum for developing and sharing comparative research experiences on the relationship between expertise, research, policy and practice across policy themes, across institutional settings, and across national boundaries. Systemic obstacles to adoption of expert knowledge are well-known. These include the politicised context of policy debates and governmental commitments, the search for political compromises, low awareness of evaluation findings on the part of public officials; and ineffective communication by researchers and other experts. “Bridging” and “brokering” strategies have emerged to promote closer linkages.

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13Sep 2014

Tenure Track Faculty Position in Environmental Policy, Indiana University US

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) at Indiana University seeks applicants for a full-time, tenure or tenure-track faculty position on the Bloomington campus in the area of environmental policy. The position is open-rank; we particularly encourage applications from mid-career and senior faculty. Multiple hires are possible.

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