04Nov 2014
CFP - Public Administration Theory conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2015
09:11 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Call for Papers, December 15 Deadline Public Administration Theory Network Annual Conference, May 29-31, 2015 Metropolitan Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia
Anti-Government: Different this time?
The end of the cold war was a moment of celebration for free market enthusiasts, and it also ushered in a Reagan-Thatcher style of neoliberalism with an accompanying anti-government ethic that sometimes included ridicule. The anti-governmental narrative did not recede in the subsequent era of market fundamentalism. Instead, numerous governing challenges became more difficult, including regulation of carbon emissions, implementing a macroeconomic fiscal policy that could stimulate the economy, and rising inequality. Federal, state and local governments reduced some services and contracted-out others The risk of corruption and other insider games loomed larger as government agencies were made leaner and government functions were privatized . Thus far, public administration has seemed unwilling or unable to defend itself, perhaps trapped in its own self-reinforcing narratives about expertise, non-partisanship, and aversion to politics. The 2015 Program Committee invites paper and panel proposals that track along the conference theme or any of the following topics : 1. Comparative and international anti-government. 2. The web of anti-government imagery 3. Serving public interests in a context of anti-government initiatives. 4.Market narratives and market reforms: Implications for practice. 5. The seeming inability of public administration to defend itself against a hostile narrative. 6. Social media, democracy and anti-government sentiment. 7.The Foucault effect: Governmentality, governing, and governance. 8. Apathy and activism: Imagining an activist role for public administration. 9. Quantitative methodology as ideology. 10. Redescribing public administration as policy implementation. 11. Theme 11: None of the above.
For panel proposals, include a one-page abstract for each paper in the panel.
Similarly, paper proposals should take the form of one-page abstracts.
For both papers and panels, please indicate the theme/topic you have in mind.
Send proposals to Hugh T. Miller hmiller@fau.edu and to Jeannine Love jmlove@roosevelt.edu by Monday, December 15,2014
. Program Committee Hugh T. Miller, Profess or, Florida Atlantic University Chris Erickson, Sessional Lecturer, University of British Columbia David Kasdan, Assistant Professor , Incheon National University Larry Luton , Professor Emeritus, Eastern Washington University Cheryl Simrell King , Member of the Faculty, The Evergreen State College Jean n ine Love , Assistant Professor, Roosevelt University Alexandru Roman , Assistant Professor, California State University , San Bernardino Charlene Roach , Lecturer, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Umar Ghuman , Assistant Professor, California State University , Stanislaus Lester Leavitt , Doctoral Candidate, Florida Atlantic University