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Journal of Women, Politics & Policy is excited to offer free access to "Bringing Narrative In: Race–Gender Storytelling, Political Ambition, and Women's Paths to Public Office" by Angela Frederick, from Volume 34, Issue 2. This article is available to download for FREE until December 31, 2013.

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German Policy Studies

SPAEF Journals October 4, 2012

Dear Colleagues, Editors

SPAEF is pleased to announce the latest articles of German Policy Studies (GPS). Articles: Introduction Nils C. Bandelow, Fritz Sager, Klaus Schubert An Explorative Study on Purchasing Legal Advice in the German Law-Drafting Process Sebastian Streb and Markus Tepe Political Deadlock in German Financial Market Policy Stefan Handke Political Institutions “Doing Gender”: The Limits of the Knowledge Approach Helga Ostendorf The Status of Ideas in Controversies on Public Policy. Analyzing Beliefs as Dependent Variables: A Case study on Harm Reduction Policies in Switzerland Céline Mavrot Nils C. Bandelow University of Braunschweig, Germany Fritz Sager University of Bern, Switzerland Klaus Schubert University of Munster, Germany

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new journal - Online Learning

The Policy Studies Organization, in cooperation with American Public University System, has launched a new journal - Online Learning.

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latest German Policy Studies

The latest issue of German Policy Studies (GPS) is a special issue on “Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research”, edited by Joachim Blatter and Fritz Sager. For details of the articles,

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latest issue of Policy & Internet

The third issue of Policy & Internet for 2011 contains six articles, all of which focus on a substantive public policy issue arising from widespread use of the Internet: the links between software piracy and country corruption, voter targeting online in political campaigns, cultural aspects of digital citizenship, the increasingly 'conditional' nature of governments' public and social policies, policy responses to the growing problem of online hate speech, and policy considerations for the regulation of cross-border data flows. You may access any of the articles below at no charge.

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new issue - Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy

New Issue Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy http://www.psocommons.org/rhcpp


Managing Risk through Liability, Regulation, and Innovation: Organizational Design for Spill Containment in Deepwater Drilling Operations

Nathan D. Richardson, Molly Macauley, Mark A. Cohen, Robert Anderson, and Adam Stern

What’s Your “Position” on Nuclear Power? An Exploration of Conflict in Stakeholder Participation for Decision-making about Risky Technologies

Anneliese Poetz

Opportunities and Challenges of Incorporating Climate Change Threats into Disaster Risk Management Planning: A Case Study in Costa Rica

Tsuneki Hori and Rajib Shaw

School District Partner Choice in Emergency Management Collaboration

Scott E. Robinson

Assessment of an Emergency Disaster Response to Floods in Agadez, Niger

John A. Freeman and Graham A. Tobin

Climate Disaster Resilience of Dhaka City Corporation: An Empirical Assessment at Zone Level

Gulsan Ara Parvin and Rajib Shaw

Response or Comment

Assumptions Can Kill

Lucien G. Canton


Proceedings of the PSO, New Series no. 14


“European Labour Market Policies after the Lisbon Process

Special Issue of of German Policy Studies on “European Labour Market Policies after the Lisbon Process – Results and Consequence”, edited by Florian Blank and Karin Schulze Buschoff.


Introduction: European Labour Market Policies after the Lisbon Process – Results and Consequences

Florian Blank and Karin Schulze Buschoff

The European Employment Strategy: Assessing the Status Quo

J. Timo Weishaupt and Katja Lack

What Difference Does it Make? The Outcome Effects of the European Employment Strategy on the Transition from Education to Work

Christian Brzinsky-Fay

Incoherent Strategies – Fragmented Outcomes: Raising Women’s Employment Rate in Germany

Sigrid Betzelt and Silke Bothfeld

The Transition from Work to Retirement

Werner Eichhorst

Transition from Unemployment to Work and the Role of Active Labour Market Policies during the Lisbon Strategy Period and the Economic Crisis

Janine Leschke

Non-Standard Employment in Europe: Its Development and Consequences for the European Employment Strategy

Günther Schmid

Labour Market Politics through Jurisprudence: The Influence of the Judgements of the European Court of Justice (Viking, Laval, Rüffert, Luxembourg) on Labour Market Policies

Reingard Zimmer

German Policy Studies gps@politikfeldanalyse.de


A new peer-reviewed journal, Nonprofit Policy Forum

Berkeley Electronic Press is pleased to announce the addition of a new peer-reviewed journal, Nonprofit Policy Forum, to our collection.

The mission of Nonprofit Policy Forum is to serve as an international journal that publishes original research and analysis on public policy issues and the public policy process critical to the work of nonprofit organizations. NPF provides a forum and an authoritative and accessible source of information for scholars, leaders, and policy-makers worldwide. A primary goal of NPF is to provide nonprofit leaders and policy-makers with readily accessible and relevant scholarly research.

In addition to being an accessible source of information, NPF creates a publishing venue for the expanding population of nonprofit-public policy scholars. Because the field of nonprofit studies is interdisciplinary in nature, the range of disciplines for both authors and readers spans a wide array of interests.

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New Issue: Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy

New Issue Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy


The Policy Studies Organization and Berkeley Electronic Press are pleased to announce the following new issue of Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy.

Guest Editor: Brian J. Gerber Editorials

Guest Editor's Introduction: Assessing the Complex and Multidimensional Characteristics of Evacuation Incidents

Brian J. Gerber


An Inventory and Assessment of Models Used to Predict Emergency Evacuation and Consideration of Increasing Policymaker Involvement

Carol Abel Lewis

Shelter-in-Place versus Evacuation Decision Making: A Systematic Approach for Healthcare Facilities

Dennis Zaenger, Natasha Efrat, Robert R. Riccio, and Kelly Sanders

Understanding Public Response to Nuclear Power Plant Protective Actions

Fotini Walton and Brian Wolshon

Chronic Disease as an Evacuation Impediment: Using a Geographic Information System and 911 Call Data after Katrina to Determine Neighborhood Scale Health Vulnerability

Andrew Curtis

Estimating and Mapping the Direct Flood Fatality Rate for Flooding in Greater New Orleans Due To Hurricane Katrina

Ezra C. Boyd

Management of Evacuee Ingress during Disasters: Identifying the Determinants of Local Government Capacity and Preparedness

Brian J. Gerber


Proceedings of the PSO, New Series no. 11

Daniel I. Gutierrez-Sandoval About this journal

In an era of crisis, hazards, and disasters, much attention has been paid to techniques for predicting risks and managing crises. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy looks at the larger picture, to study the ways that societies measure and understand risk in the first place, how policies ought to address risks, and how risks become crises. Risk and crisis raise fundamental policy questions with broad social science implications; the journal studies these questions across the spectrum of risks and crises – natural hazards, public health, terrorism, and societal and environmental disasters, in order to frame successful new policy approaches and to advance social science scholarship broadly. Edited by leading scholars in this major emerging field, the journal will appeal to social science scholars as well as policy makers and practitioners of security, emergency management,