About the Journal German Policy Studies focuses on policy research • with an emphasis on German speaking countries, issues and studies (and/or) • which take a comparative approach (and/or) • which can build a bridge between Anglo-American and continental European/German policy research. The underlying argument is that in German speaking countries there is a kind of common tradition or way of solving problems which, if at all, only slowly adapts to Anglo-American viewpoints, concepts and developments. Contact via email: gps@politikfeldanalyse.de For additional information please visit www.politikfeldanalyse.de/gps.htm

The Southern Public Administration Education Foundation, Inc. (SPAEF) is located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The SPAEF's purpose is to develop and to disseminate information in the fields of public administration and management. ©2011 www.politikfeldanalyse.de