RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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27Dec 2014

CFP - Sociology of knowledge approach to discourse - IPA Lille July 2015

Papers are invited for the panel "Doing Policy Analysis with SKAD" (p22) at 10th Interpretive Policy Conference in Lille, 8-10 July. Paper proposals can only be submitted via the conference's website (http://ipa2015.sciencesconf.org/). Please send us an e-mail when you submit your proposal. Full papers will be due on 1 June 2015.

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23Dec 2014

Visiting Professorship in Comparative Public Policy, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2015

The University of São Paulo (USP), in the city of São Paulo, in Brazil, is offering a Visiting Professorship teaching opportunity in the field of Comparative Public Policy for july 2015.

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19Dec 2014

Professor of Policy Analysis, TU Delft, the Netherlands

We hear that they are looking for a new professor of policy analysis at TU Delft.

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18Dec 2014

New organisation formed in the public policy field

We are advised that 'To support the organization of the biannual ICPP conference, the development of this ICPP website and other activities linked to promoting research on Public Policy, the main members of the ICPP have created the International Public Policy Association (IPPA).

There is a tantalising (for political scientists) absence of detail about how this organisation was brought into existence, how the constitution was adopted and how the executive committee was formed, but perhaps (to paraphrase Bismarck), organisations are like sausages: if you want to enjoy them, you should not see them being made.

The Constitution of the IPPA as well as information on the Executive Committee and membership is now available on the website, and can be viewed just by reading on.

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18Dec 2014

CFP - more panels at the ICPP Milan, Itally, July 2015

We have received more information about interesting panels at the ICPP in Milan - and a reminder than paper proposals must be submitted by 15 January. For details, read on

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18Dec 2014

CFP for panel on 'Teaching interpretively' at IPA in Lille, France, July 2015

Are you interested in sharing your experiences “teaching interpretively”? Please submit your proposal to join us in a series of roundtable discussions at IPA 2015 on “New Ways of Teaching Interpretively” that builds on a well-received session at the 2014 IPA conference in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The question at the heart of the discussion in 2014 was: Does an interpretive perspective lend itself to a particular style of teaching? The starting point was our shared belief that YES, it makes sense to think about teaching interpretively. But more questions emerged during the discussion than we had time to address, such as: What does it mean to “teach interpretively”? How does that differ from other ways of teaching? What “lessons learned” can we glean from our varied experiences as interpretive researchers that might be productively applied to interpretive teaching? And what are the primary objectives of this approach to teaching and do these objectives differ from those of more “traditional” approaches? We are continuing the conversation in Lille to address these questions and others.

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06Dec 2014

CFP Political economy of local regulation

CALL FOR CHAPTERS for a proposed book on THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF LOCAL REGULATION: The impact of the local level on economic regulation according to the Turin School of Local Regulation, to be edited by Alberto Asquer and Franco Becchis

After about three years since its inception, the Turin School of Local Regulation aims to invite its members and academics who share an interest towards local regulation to contribute to a collective publication to express our particular concern towards the specialty of the local level for the study of regulation. The proposed edited book, on “The Political Economy of Local Regulation” precisely aims to address the positive and policy issues that arise around the design and administration of regulatory systems at the local level. The book project has been proposed to the Palgrave series on “Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy”, edited by Professors Toby Carroll, M Ramesh, Darryl S L Jarvis, and Paul Cammack.

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06Dec 2014

CFP Policy change in Latin America Quito, Ecudor, August 2015

13th ICPA-Forum and JCPA Workshop

“Comparative Theory Testing and Theory Building: The Case of Policy change in Latin America”

Quito (Ecuador), August 24-25th, 2015

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05Dec 2014

Panels @ ICPP Milan July 2015

The second International Conference on Public Policy, to be held in Milan 1-4 July 2015, will be a rather large and diverse gathering, with many sections and over 160 panels. We have been asked to publicise a number of these, and have tried to do so but the number is too many to give them all space on the web site - and in any case, some of the ones which have not asked for publicity are as interesting as the ones that have. So we advise members to go to the conference web site (www.icpublicpolicy.org) to see the full listing. If you would like to know the ones that we have been told about, read on.

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03Dec 2014

CFP - Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications

The Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications is a refereed international journal that seeks to publish scholarly work in the social sciences defined in the classical sense, which is in the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences. The journal bridges social science communities across disciplines and continents with a view to sharing information and debate with the widest possible audience. It has a particular interest in policy-relevant questions and interdisciplinary approaches. It serves as a forum for review, reflection and discussion informed by the results of recent and ongoing research.

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03Dec 2014

CFP on policy work research - ICPP Milan, July 2015

The aim of the panel is to review the state of the art of the policy work research (both quantitative and qualitative) with special focus upon theoretical and methodological implications. We intend to bring together scholars from different countries and professional backgrounds, as well as using different methodologies to discuss together what we know about the world of policy analysts / workers.

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16Nov 2014

CFP - International Conference on Public Policy - Milan, Italy July 2014

The second International Conference on Public Policy has now issued its Call for Papers. there is a long and diverse list of panels, which can be viewed at http://www.icpublicpolicy.org/conference/article/article.php?conference=2&article=79. Papers can be offered in any one of these 164 panels, and will be accepted up to 15 January 2015.

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16Nov 2014

CFP Theorising the policy process ICPP Milan, Italy, July 2015

T01P04 - Theorising the process of policy Chair - Hal Colebatch, UNSW Australia, hal@colebatch.com

This panel aims not simply to repeat previous catalogues of theoretical approaches, but rather, to think about the way in which the policy process is theorised, focusing on the ‘cartography’ of policy: how observers generalise and systematise practice, what are seen as the key phenomena, what evidence is gathered and how is it used, and how do the different analytic approaches relate to one another, and to the inherent tensions in the policy process – between choice and structuring, direction and consensus-building, and between the pursuit of specific goals and the continuing management of the problematic.

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15Nov 2014

CFP Parliaments and policy ICPP Milan, Italy July 2015

Call for Papers for the 2015 International Conference on Public Policy in Milan: July 1 to 4, 2015 Parliaments in the Policy Cycle. Executive-Legislative Relations as a Determinant for Policy Making.

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13Nov 2014

Special issue on innovations in climate policy

ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS, Vol 23, No 5: SPECIAL ISSUE: ‘Innovations in Climate Policy’ A special issue comprising ten new papers (four of them Gold ‘Open Access’) explore the governance of climate change from a fresh perspective

Governance gaps are arising from the struggle to seal the deal on a comprehensive new international agreement. But failure at the international level should not, the authors argue, be confused with a lack of innovation at national and sub-national levels. Policy innovation in these domains should, however, be analysed holistically, in terms of invention, diffusion and evaluation. The challenges that arise from doing so are systematically explored against studies of policy innovation dynamics in relation to feed in tariffs, emissions trading and adaptation partnerships etc.

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12Nov 2014

CFP Policy and Politics conference, Bristol UK, September 2015

Policy & Politics 2015 Conference

Democracy, Inequality and Power: Redefining Classic Concepts for the 21st Century

Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, College Green, Bristol 15th-16th September 2015

The 800th anniversary of Magna Carta in 2015 provides an opportunity to reflect on both the failures and successes of democratic policy and politics in the UK and abroad. The relationship between democracy, inequality and power has been brought to the fore by recent global events, including:

   austerity politics and the disproportionate impacts on society’s most vulnerable
   increased awareness of disparities in relation to electoral and political participation amongst a range of social groups (leading to concerns about ‘a divided democracy’)
   the reshaping of the relationship between government, business and civil society
   rising ‘urbanisation’ and associated concerns about the governance of place, space and territory
   developments in information and communication technology and its impact on citizens’ engagement with politics and public services
   civic unrest linked to demands for democracy, equality and transparent government
   human rights initiatives around gender, age, race, disability and sexuality, and
   a reconfiguration of the role of the mass media and social media in policy and politics.

Within this global context, the concepts of democracy, inequality and power and their relationship to policy and politics remain pertinent. The 2015 Policy & Politics conference will therefore be based around the theme of ‘Democracy, Inequality and Power’ and welcomes practitioners and scholars from any field and discipline from around the world to engage with this topic.

Relevant questions for panels, papers and posters to explore include:

   How relevant is the concept of inequality in 21st century policy and politics?
   How is the relationship between want and need and inequality changing?
   How many faces does power have in the 21st century?
   How do increasingly fast ‘flows’ (information, people, capital, etc.) affect the relationship between democracy, inequality and power?
   What do we actually know about global patterns of inequality or where power lies?
   How do political structures and new forms of governance affect forms of democracy and inequality?
   What is missing from the research and political debate on democracy, inequality and power?
   Is inequality always a ‘bad’ thing?
   How can the social sciences assist in improving democracy and inequality in the design and delivery of public services?

We are, of course, particularly keen for participants to think creatively and innovatively about this topic so the questions listed here are by no means intended to restrict the scope of papers or panels

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12Nov 2014

Position in Comparative Politics, University of Vienna. Austria

The Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Vienna announces the position of a Professor of Comparative Politics (full time position under private law, limited to a period of 2 years, available as of March 1st, 2015). The University of Vienna intends to increase the num­ber of women, particularly in high-level positions, and therefore specifically invites ap­­pli­cations by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential con­sider­a­tion.

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10Nov 2014

CFP Policy and Politics conference, Bristol UK, September 2015

Policy & Politics 2015 Conference

Democracy, Inequality and Power: Redefining Classic Concepts for the 21st Century

Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, College Green, Bristol 15th-16th September 2015

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10Nov 2014

Annual Review of Policy Design

Michael Howlett tells us that the Annual Review of Policy Design has just published its latest issue (December 2014 Vol 2 (1)) at http://ojs.unbc.ca/index.php/design, and invites you to review the Table of Contents (read on) and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.

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05Nov 2014

Position of Executive Director Graduate School of Public Policy, Saskatchewan, Canada

The University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan invite nominations and applications for the position of Executive Director, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (JSGS).

Located on two university campuses – in Regina and Saskatoon – the JSGS is a provincial centre for advanced study and research in public policy and administration. With a diversity of academic backgrounds in political science, economics, sociology, geography, law, and health policy, the school’s faculty members engage with and mentor graduate students in an interdisciplinary environment, educate the public on policy matters, and enrich the knowledge base from which policymakers draw.

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