RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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04Mar 2015

CFP - APPAM Conference on The Goldren Age of Evidence-based Policy

The Association for Public Policy and Management (APPAM) has announced that the subject of its 2015 Fall Research Conference will be 'The Golden Age of Evidence-Based Policy' It is not clear when the golden age was/is/will be, but those wanting to find out can gather November 12 - 14 in Miami, FL at the Hyatt Regency Miami.

Proposals for papers are now being accepted. The final deadline for submitting all proposals is April 10, 2015. No extensions will be granted!

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03Mar 2015

Scholarships for undergraduate and Masters-level study in the Netherlands

Registration for the Holland Scholarship, the new Dutch scholarship programme, starts 16 February 2015. This programme will enable 768 talented international students annually to study for a bachelor's or master's degree in the Netherlands. In addition, 768 Dutch students will have the opportunity to study, take up an internship or carry out research in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA) for a minimum of 3 months.

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03Mar 2015

PhD scholarships, Strathclyde, UK

The School of Government and Public Policy (GPP) at the University of Strathclyde, in collaboration with the International Public Policy Institute (IPPI), is offering three PhD studentships in comparative public policy.

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24Feb 2015

Postdoctoral positions Leuphana University, Luneberg, Germany

Leuphana University Lüneburg’s Faculty of Sustainability is advertising four postdoctoral positions in its interdisciplinary program on Leverage Points for Sustainability Transformation, focusing on Institutions, People and Knowledge. Drawing on insights from systems thinking and solution-oriented transdisciplinary research, this project will focus on hitherto under-recognized leverage points – system properties where a small shift can lead to fundamental changes in the system as a whole. Leverage Points will focus on changes in relatively intractable, but potentially highly influential, system properties that could help to realign complex social-ecological systems to the normative goals of sustainability. For details on the project, see www.leveragepoints.org The deadline for all four positions is 10th March, 2015.

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19Feb 2015

Call for Applications - 6th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics

Interest groups and public policy: Mobilization, lobbying strategies and influence 20 - 28 July 2015, University of Hamburg

The Summer School aims to provide students of Political Science and Public Administration sound knowledge about organized interests and lobbying organizations. The 6th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics takes places at the University of Hamburg and focuses on interest groups and their impact on public policy. Through a variety of theoretical and methodological courses taught by renowned interest group scholars from Europe and the US, students will learn about the different stages of the lobbying process involving the mobilization, the strategies and the influence that interest groups exert on public policy.

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14Feb 2015

IPSA World Congress Istanbul 2016

The main themes to be covered at the IPSA World Congress in Istanbul in 2o16 have now been announced.

The call for papers will be issue on 20 May.

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10Feb 2015

CFP Policy and Politics conference, Bristol UK, September 2015 - deadline extended

This year's Policy & Politics annual conference will be held on the 15th-16th September 2015 at the Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel. The conference title is 'Redefining classic concepts for the twenty-first century’. Full details are on the conference website (http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sps/policypolitcs/policyandpolitics2015/); the deadline for panel proposals has been extended to 23 February, and the deadline for paper proposals is 1 May.

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09Feb 2015

Position of Dean, Washington DC, USA

The School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs at George Mason University seeks its first Dean. SPGIA is the result of a merger of two units-- the former School of Public Policy and the Department of Public and International Affairs.

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01Feb 2015

CFP Symposium on Organisational Ethnography, Liverpool UK, August 2015

The 10th Annual Liverpool Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences in association with the Journal of Organizational Ethnography Hosted at the University of Liverpool, 26th-28th August, 2015 Key theme: Reflection in Action: Taking Stock of 10 Years of Ethnography Symposia

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31Jan 2015

CFP panel on 'Teaching interpretively' at IPA in Lille, France, July 2015

Call for Papers: "Excursions, Encounters, Enactments: The role of sensory or first-hand experience in policy constructions" (Panel28)

This panel explores the role of policy-makers' sensory or first-hand experiences in the construction of policy `problems' and `solutions'. Such experiences can take the form of excursions to the site of a `policy problem' such as a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan, a nature reserve that shows obvious signs of environmental degradation, or a city's `problem neighbourhood'. First-order experience also happens through encounters with affected persons or with experts on the policy problem at hand. Excursions, encounters and other forms of sensory experience can take place spontaneously; most often, however, they are meticulously planned and enacted by those participating, for different audiences and to different ends. Politicians may strive to create a positive public image among their constituency by showing `presence on the ground' or wishing to `see/assess with their very eyes' the nature and extent of the problem. Yet also those who plan excursions and encounters and those who the politicians meet have their agendas and enact specific interpretations of a problem. Interestingly, there are examples where such instances of policy-makers' first-hand experience, no matter how limited they were, seem to have shaped their perception in a sustained manner.

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31Jan 2015

CFP ECPR Conference Montreal Canada August 2015

Koen Bartels writes to invite panels and papers to the Section of the Standing Group on Theoretical Perspectives in Policy Analysis at the ECPR General Conference, University of Montreal, 26-29 August 2015.

The Section is entitled Co-producing research: an interdisciplinary dialogue on the collaboration of publics, officials and researchers in policy and planning. You can find an outline on http://ecpr.eu/Events/SectionDetails.aspx?SectionID=451&EventID=94 along with details on how to submit your proposal. The Section offers room for five panels but also facilitates individual paper submissions.

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28Jan 2015

CFP Conference on decentralization, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2015

Invitation to the International Public Administration and Public Policy Scientific Conference

DECENTRALIZATION POLICIES: RESHUFFLING THE SCENE May 7-10, 2015 University of Zagreb Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS), Dubrovnik, Croatia http://www.caas.unizg.hr

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25Jan 2015

Position at University of Hong Kong, China

Applications are invited for appointment as Tenure-Track Professor/Associate Professor in Public Policy in the Faculty of Social Sciences, to commence on September 1, 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter, on a three-year fixed-term basis, with consideration for tenure after satisfactory completion of a second three-year contract. (Ref.: 201401317)

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25Jan 2015

Seminar, St Petersburg, Russia, June 2015

International Seminar “Governance of Public Policy: Cultures and Regimes in Networking Contexts” St. Petersburg, Russia, June 27-28, 2015 (English and Russian language) IPSA RC 48-Administrative Culture together with the Russian Political Science Association (RC on Comparative Politics) cordially invite you to submit proposals for the international seminar “Governance of Public Policy: Cultures and Regimes in Networking Contexts”, which will be held at the Saint-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia on June 27- 28, 2015.

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25Jan 2015

position at Technical University, Delft, The Netherlands

Professor of Policy Analysis

Engels -- Faculty/department Technology, Policy and Management Level PhD degree Maximum employment 38 hours per week (1 FTE) Duration of contract 1 year initially with prospect of extension Salary scale €5,003 to €8,795 per month gross

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25Jan 2015

Positions at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam invites applications for TWO Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent) positions in Global Public Policy, Transnational Governance, and/or International Relations. For one of these positions, we are seeking a scholar of Public Policy and Governance with a transnational and/or comparative focus. For the other position, we are seeking a scholar of International Relations with an focus on transnational governance broadly construed. The precise boundary between the two positions is fungible. Both positions are open with respect to regional expertise. Candidates for the first position will be expected to teach introductory and advanced courses in Public Policy and Governance and/or International Relations both within the Political Science Department (at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels) and within a new selective interdisciplinary undergraduate degree on Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE, http://www.uva.nl/en/education/bachelor-s/bachelor-s-programmes/content/politics-psychology-law-and-economics/politics-psychology-law-and-economics.html). Candidates for both positions should contribute to the research profile of the Department's Research Programme Group 'Political Economy and Transnational Governance' (PETGOV, http://aissr.uva.nl/programme-groups).

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25Jan 2015

CFP @ EGPA Conference, Toulouse, France, August 2015

The EGPA Permanent Study Group on EU Administration and Multilevel Governance (PSG 14) invites papers for the next EGPA Annual Conference in Toulouse, 26-28 August 2015. This PSG pays specific attention to Repercussions of multilevel administration: impacts on practices, national organisations and normative orders. Besides discussing papers of high quality falling within the general research focus of the permanent study group, we will dedicate a substantial part of our annual conference to this focal theme.

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05Jan 2015

Position of Director of the School, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Northeastern University seeks nominations and applications from leading scholars and policy experts for the position of Director of the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. The candidates’ discipline and field of expertise are open.

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30Dec 2014

Another intersting panel at ICPP Milan July 2015

We have been told of another interesting panel at ICPP Milan, on Reflexivity, normality and (de)routinization (T11P07), within section 11 on discourse and critical policy research. Submission deadline is 15 January 2015. Please find the call at

http://www.icpublicpolicy.org/conference/article/article.php?conference=2&article=89 :

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27Dec 2014

PhD scholarships, Florence, Italy

10 Fully funded PhD positions in POLITICAL SCIENCE and SOCIOLOGY for the academic year 2015-2016


   The programme focuses on the following three research  areas:  1.  Democracy and social movements ; 2. Comparative/global  public policy and  international governance;  3. Comparative politics and society.
   The grant is of three years; a fourth year can be added based on merit
   The activities will be held at the seat of Florence of the Scuola Normale Superiore

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