RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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05May 2015

New book on tools for policy-makers

The Tools Of Policy Formulation: Actors, Capacities, Venues and Effects, edited by Andy Jordan and John Turnpenny Two British authors have commissioned chapters elaborating on the approaches that a well-equipped policy-maker should have in his or her toolbox. If only we could find these policy-makers. Or they their toolboxes.

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01May 2015

CFP - Workshop on Institutional and Policy Design in Financial Sector Reform, Istanbul, September 2015

The Lee Kuan School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and the Centre for Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance at the Koc University, Turkey invite proposals for participating in the International Workshop on “Institutional and Policy Design in Financial Industry Reform” to be held in Istanbul on 24-25 September 2015. The objective of the workshop is to examine comparative reform of the financial services industry with special reference to institutional and policy design in theory and practice aimed at enhancing sector stability and discouraging excessive risk taking.

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01May 2015

CFP -Conference on Government in Ibero-America, Madrid, Spain, Sptember-October 2015

The Research Group/Network in Government, Public Administration and Public Policy (GIGAPP in Spanish) is now accepting paper proposals to Sixth International GIGAPP Conference 2015. We welcome manuscripts from scholars, civil servants, Phd Students, practitioners and Civil society organizations on topics relevant to public policy, program implementation and evaluation research and public sector reform (mainly from Latin American Countries as well as from Spain and Portugal).

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28Apr 2015

CFP - Asian Journal of Public Affairs

The Asian Journal of Public Affairs (AJPA), which is is the flagship student-run journal of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP). is now accepting submissions for Volume 8, Issue 2. We welcome manuscripts from scholars and practitioners on topics relevant to public policy in Asia. s.

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26Apr 2015

Position in Public Policy and Administration, Cairo, Egypt

The School of Global Affairs and Public Policy invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the rank of assistant or associate professor at the Department of Public Policy and Administration at the American University in Cairo in the area of public policy. The successful applicant will demonstrate ability to develop a strong, externally funded research program, contribute to graduate teaching and master's thesis supervision, and participate in program development. Preferred areas of expertise include but are not limited to: policy reform with broad capabilities to teach core courses such as public policy analysis, program evaluation, private/public partnership, business regulation and quantitative analysis. The incumbent would ideally have a research focus and experience not limited to the Middle East.

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14Apr 2015

Call for chapters in Policy Studies Yearbook

The Policy Studies Journal Yearbook is currently in the process of recruiting a graduate student author to write a retrospective review to be published in the 2016 Policy Studies Journal’s Public Policy Yearbook. We are asking for recommendations for students to author articles in the following policy subfields:

   Defense and Public Policy
   Environmental Policy
   Economic Policy
   Health Policy

These review articles will be showcased on the Yearbook’s website (www.psjyearbook.com) and will also be published in a supplemental issue of the Policy Studies Journal in May 2016.

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12Apr 2015

Call for panels - 2016 IPSA Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2016

There has now been a call to propose panels for the 2016 IPSA Congress in Istanbul, 23-28 July. Anyone can propose a panel, but if you would like it to be included in the RC32 bid, let Rob Hoppe know (r.hoppe@utwente.nl). The closing date for open panels is 8 July 2015, and for closed panels 7 October.

The Call for Papers will open on 7 October.

Further details from the IPSA website (www.ipsa.org). The conference address is istanbul2016@ipsa.org.

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10Apr 2015

CFP - EGPA Conference, Toulouse, France, August 2015


Well performing public sector organizations: Governance capacity and legitimacy

EGPA Study Group on Governance of Public Sector Organizations Conference of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) 26-28 August 2015, Toulouse, France

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06Apr 2015

CFP - Workshop on Institutional and Policy Design in Financial Sector Reform, Istanbul, September 2015

The Lee Kuan School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and the Centre for Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance at the Koc University, Turkey invite proposals for participating in the International Workshop on “Institutional and Policy Design in Financial Industry Reform” to be held in Istanbul on 24-25 September 2015.

The objective of the workshop is to examine comparative reform of the financial services industry with special reference to institutional and policy design in theory and practice aimed at enhancing sector stability and discouraging excessive risk taking.

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28Mar 2015

CFP Dupont Policy Summit Washington DC December 2015

Call for Papers: Dupont Summit 2015 on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Friday, December 4 The Historic Whittemore House, Washington DC http://www.ipsonet.org/conferences/the-dupont-summit

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26Mar 2015

Professor of Comparative Policy Analysis, Vienna, Austria

The professorship shall cover comparative policy analysis as an important field of comparative political science in research and teaching. The person to be appointed must prove comprehensive internationally acknowledged research achievements in the analysis of one or more policy areas. Mastery of a variety of theoretical approaches and comprehensive experience in the application of qualitative methods of comparative policy analysis in research as well as the willingness to teach these aspects are expected. Disposition for teaching in the field of comparative political science in its range at Bachelor, Master and PhD level is required.

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26Mar 2015

Call for Applications - 6th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics, Hamburg, Germany, July 2015

Interest groups and public policy: Mobilization, lobbying strategies and influence on policy 20 - 28 July 2015, University of Hamburg

The Summer School aims to provide students of Political Science and Public Administration sound knowledge about organized interests and lobbying organizations. The 6th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics takes places at the University of Hamburg and focuses on interest groups and their impact on public policy. Through a variety of theoretical and methodological courses taught by renowned interest group scholars from Europe and the US, students will learn about the different stages of the lobbying process involving the mobilization, the strategies and the influence that interest groups exert on public policy.

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25Mar 2015

PhD scholarship, Lausanne, Switzerland

The University of Lausanne is seeking a new Ph.D. student and teaching assistant (100%). The successful candidate is expected to write a PhD thesis in public policy and administration and/or regulatory governance, and to assist with teaching and research tasks.

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24Mar 2015

PhD scholarship, Water politics in Switzerland, Eawag, Dubendorf, Switzerland

The research project “Overlapping Subsystems: Identification and Integration of Fragmented Games in Swiss Water Politics” (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) aims at identifying the policy games political actors are involved in and analyzing how these games are interrelated. For this project, we are looking for a PhD candidate interested in the politics of the water sector in Switzerland.

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17Mar 2015

Postdoctpral researcher on governance in the energy sector, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

The newly founded Energy Politics Group (EPG) within the Department of Humanities, Social, and Political Sciences of ETH Zurich investigates questions related to the governance of technological change in the energy sector. To support our team we are hiring a Postdoctoral Researcher. We expect the successful candidate to conduct research on the interaction of public policy and its underlying politics with technological change in the energy sector. Relevant disciplinary fields include, but are not limited to: political science, governance studies, evolutionary or institutional economics, and innovation studies. Interdisciplinary candidates are welcome.

The review of applications will start on April 15, 2015. The position will remain open until filled.

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10Mar 2015

Position in Public Management - London, UK

University College London wishes to appoint a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer to contribute to research and teaching within the Department. We are seeking candidates with expertise in the fields of public policy and especially in public management.

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10Mar 2015

Researchers on state, risk and society

The Hertie School of Governance in Berlin (Germany) is hiring 1 Post-Doctoral Researcher (100%) and 3 Doctoral Researchers (50%) for the Project “State, Risk, and Society (STARS)”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, for a period of 36 months beginning in September 2015. The project examines the adjustment of national policies, regulation, and banking systems to global finance to further our understanding of the causes and effects of the financial crisis.

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10Mar 2015

New journal -European Policy Analysis

we are glad to announce that the first issue of EPA (European Policy Analysis) has been published. It is now free accessible on-line

The journal's editors Nils Bandelow (Brunswick), Peter Biegelbauer (Vienna), Fritz Sager (Bern) and Klaus Schubert (Muenster) present a journal focusing on Europe and thus addressing an international audience and invite everyone who is interested to be part of EPA – as a reader, guest editor or author. If you wish to submit an article, you're welcome to answer our call for papers, which you find by reading on. There is also a first call for special issue guest editors.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the editors.

Contact via email: epa@politikfeldanalyse.de

For additional information please visit ipsonet.org.

Yours sincerely, Nils Bandelow, Peter Biegelbauer, Fritz Sager, Klaus Schubert

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06Mar 2015

Post-doc position at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The department of Sociology seeks to fill a position for a post-doctoral researcher in the field of social security systems and policy implementation, or in the field of socio-legal studies. The successful candidate will join the project team executing the EUR Research Excellence Initiative (REI) Program Shifting from Welfare to Social Investment States: Privatization of Work-Related Risk Control (2015-2019) awarded by the board of the Erasmus University. The project concerns a collaboration between a sociological and a legal research program. The postdoc candidate will be researching the institutional work of state and private actors (i.e. employers and employees) that is related to the shift in the allocation of responsibilities from public to private actors.

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05Mar 2015

Summer School in Network Analysis

POLNET PLUS, an International Summer School for Advanced Political and Social Network Analysis will take place at the University of Konstanz, Germany, from 29 - 30 May 2015.

The summer school invites MA/PhD-students, researchers, and practitioners interested in theory-driven empirical research on networks in the social and political sciences. This year it will offer an introduction into the collection and analysis of longitudinal network data.

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