Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should be submitted online at the ECPR General Conference website http://ecpr.eu/Events/EventDetails.aspx?EventID=94. The deadline for paper and panel proposals is 16 February midnight (GMT-time). Panel proposals should also be sent to the Section conveners (anna.durnova@univie.ac.at, k.bartels@bangor.ac.uk) by 10 February for endorsement.

Finally, we have sent you this message as you have participated/showed interest in one or more of the Interpretive Policy Analysis conferences over the past years. The ECPR Standing Group on Theoretical Perspectives in Policy Analysis supports this conference and the field of interpretive policy analysis more widely. We will be in touch soon about current events in the Standing Group; for now more information can be found on http://standinggroups.ecpr.eu/tppa.

Please contact us if you would like to be removed from this mailing list, have questions about our Section at the ECPR General Conference, or have queries or ideas relating to the Standing Group.

Kind regards,

Hendrik Wagenaar

Anna Durnova

Koen Bartels​

-- Dr. Koen P.R. Bartels Lecturer in Management Studies Bangor Business School | Room 1.05, Alun | Bangor University | LL57 2DG | Bangor (Gwynedd) | k.bartels@bangor.ac.uk | +44 (0) 1248 38 8790