To expand the conversation, we invite members of the community who have initiated / experimented with interpretive teaching to submit a 400 word description of the teaching initiative that you feel falls under the category of teaching interpretively. For the purposes of the 2015 panel, we define interpretive teaching broadly as a way of teaching that is open to all kinds of knowledges - including the knowledge of students and professors, experiential knowledge and theoretical knowledge and so on, and which is keen on conversation and critical thinking about the phenomena that are the focus of teaching and research. In your submission, please include descriptive information about your initiative, as well as information about your “learning edge,” areas in your teaching practice that you would like to develop in conversation with your co-panelists. We have in mind panels of 3-4 participants, occurring in sequence; the number of panels will be determined in consultation with the conference organizers. The panel sessions will follow a roundtable style (rather than being based on formal papers) focused on the key areas identified by participants.

The website of IPA 2015 Lille is at Please submit your descriptions at before 3 February 2015. You'll hear about acceptance before March 11. Once we have constructed the panels, we will inform everyone of the final composition of the panels.

Many thanks and we look forward to seeing you in Lille!

Jennifer Dodge Rich Holtzman Merlijn van Hulst Dvora Yanow

Rich Holtzman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Political Science Bryant University