RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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25Sep 2015

Position, Director of School of Public Policy, Canberra, Australia

The Australian National University (ANU) is looking for an inspiring leader, Director - Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia and the Pacific, to drive the Crawford School commitment to excellence in public policy research and outreach.  

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25Sep 2015

Research position, Melbourne, Australia

The University of Melbourne is seeking a part-time Research Fellow to work on an ARC Linkage Project titled 'From Entitlement to Experiment: The new governance of welfare-to-work'. The project aims to identify ways in which service design can be enhanced for the benefit of the clients they seek to help.

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23Sep 2015

Position in public policy, Singapore

The School of Social Sciences (SOSS), Singapore Management University, invites applications for a tenure-track position in Public Policy at the Full, Associate, or Assistant Professor rank.  The ideal candidate will have knowledge of how non-state actors contribute to the delivery of public goods and the management of policy issues. An expertise on urban issues in Asia will be particularly welcome

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18Sep 2015

Doctoral programme, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

The European University Institute will open the online applications for its Doctoral Programme on 2 November 2015.
Our fully funded four-year Ph.D. programme is an excellent opportunity for master students and other young scholars interested in pursuing doctoral studies in economics, law, history and the social sciences.

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18Sep 2015

Position in Sociology and Social Policy, Sydney, Australia

Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy 
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 
School of Social and Political Sciences 
Department of Sociology and Social Policy 
Reference No. 1626/0715 

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11Sep 2015

Positions in health economics and public policy, Virginia, US

The Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia invites applications for one or more open rank positions in health economics and public policy to begin in fall 2016.

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07Sep 2015

Positions in Astana, Kazakhstan

Nazarbayev University, a new English-language university in Astana, Kazakhstan, has advertised a number of positionat at all levels in its Graduate School of Public Policy.  


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06Sep 2015

CFP - Expertise and evidence in public policy - Hong Kong April 2016


Panel E109:  IRSPM Conference, Hong Kong, 13-15 April 2016

chair: brian.head@uq.edu.au


Abstracts should be submitted to the conference organisers by 19th October 2015.

Details for this Panel available at : http://www.cityu.edu.hk/lamp/irspm/panel-e109.asp

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06Sep 2015

CFP - Wicked problems in public policy - Hong Kong April 2016


Panel F107:  IRSPM Conference, Hong Kong, 13-15 April 2016

chairs: J.Alford@anzsog.edu.au  and Brian.Head@uq.edu.au  


Abstracts should be submitted to the conference organisers by 19th October 2015.

Details for this Panel available at:  http://www.cityu.edu.hk/lamp/irspm/panel-f107.asp

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06Sep 2015

Position in public policy, Zurich, Switzerland

The Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (www.gess.ethz.ch) at ETH Zurich invites applications for a full professorship in public policy.

The new professor demonstrates an excellent publication record in public policy analysis. Successful candidates combine strong and innovative skills in data generation and analysis with a strong empirical research agenda in public policy-making. The ability to build bridges to natural sciences and engineering disciplines at ETH Zurich is an asset. The professorship will be part of the department’s governance section and will teach in the department’s programs on public policy, political science, and development studies as well as in the interdisciplinary Institute of Science, Technology, and Policy (www.istp.ethz.ch). The new professor will be expected to teach undergraduate level courses (German or English) and graduate level courses (English).

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05Sep 2015

Position - inaugural Director of a new School of Public Policy, Massachusetts US

The University of Massachusetts Amherst invites applications for the position of inaugural Director of a new School of Public Policy (SPP) at the University's flagship campus. We seek an outstanding scholar committed to the study of public problems and dedicated to the application of substantively important research to their solution.

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03Sep 2015

CFP - Transformation of public services through e-government

Special isue on the experiences of developing countries of the transformation of public services through the adoption of e-government

Submission Due Date

Guest Editors
Dr. Frank Louis Kwaku Ohemeng, University of Ottawa, Canada

This special issue attempts to fill the lacuna left by the lack of empirical studies on the adoption and implementation of e-government in developing countries. It will thus draw on case studies to determine whether or not e-government is transforming, or has actually transformed, the relevant public sector institutions. The questions this special issue attempts to answer include: What is meant by the transformation of public services through e-government? Is there in fact any hard evidence delineating the transformation of public sector institutions through the adoption of e-government? If so, can such transformation be solely attributed to e-government and, if not, then what other factors may account for any transformation or lack thereof? What are the challenges and prospects for the adoption of e-government in public sector institutions in developing countries?

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03Sep 2015

Postdoc position - Atlanta, US


Postdoctoral researcher opportunity - applying emerging ‘big text’ approaches in mixed-methods environmental policy research

An opportunity exists at Emory University for a motivated and productive early-career researcher to join Dr. Murray Rudd’s new environmental social science lab in the Department of Environmental Sciences. The position will focus on applying emerging methods for text mining and other ‘Big Text’ approaches to environmental policy challenges. The project will include theoretical, practical, and policy-focused aspects – one of the goals will be to advance empirical applications within the Narrative Policy Framework. While a marine or freshwater focus is desirable, the substantive focus on particular environmental issues will be flexible for the successful candidate.

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01Sep 2015

Position at SUNY Albany, US

SUNY at Albany's Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy seeks a new colleague with expertise in Global Public Management for an appointment at the Assistant or Associate Professor rank in the Department of Public Administration and Policy who will primarily teach courses for a new Master of International Affairs program. 

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01Sep 2015

CFP Different policy groups, different outcomes ? IPSA Congress, Istanbul July 2016

Panel Chair:
Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun, associate professor, Heidelberg University
Panel Co-Chair:
Dr. Eva Thomann, postdoctoral researcher, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research
Prof. Dr. Fritz Sager, University of Bern
Prof. Dr. Kent Weaver, Georgetown University

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28Aug 2015

CFP - special issue of Policy and Society

Special Issue of Policy and Society on

Institutional entrepreneurship and institutional change in public policy making

Special Issue Editors: Caner Bakir, Koc University

Darryl Jarvis, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

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28Aug 2015

CFP - NISPAcee Annual Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, May 2016

Paper proposals are invited on the Main Conference Theme, for the General Session, or on the themes of the various Working Groups, selected Panels and PhD pre-conference seminar which are announced for the conference:

Main Conference Theme

"Spreading Standards, Building Capacities: European Administrative Space in Progress"

May 19 -21, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia

The event is organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

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25Aug 2015

Master's course in public policy - Berlin, Germany


The University of Potsdam is proud to announce its new English language Master’s program in the field of public administration and public policy first being offered in the summer semester 2016:

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20Aug 2015

position in political science and public policy, Firenze, Italy

Full time Assistant Professor in Political Science and public policy (for 3 years, renewable for two years) at the Institue of Human and Social Sciences,  Scuola Normale Superiore, Firenze.

·         Research programme: Political Change, Policy Change and Policy Design –Supervisor: Prof. Giliberto Capano

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17Aug 2015

Conference on Public Policy - Hong Kong 10-11th June 2016

Co-sponsored by the Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, the Sol Price School of Public Policy, the University of Southern California and the International Public Policy Association (IPPA), we are happy to announce the 1st Regional Conference on Public Policy (RCPP) which will take place at University of Hong Kong, 10-11th June 2016.

Important dates:

- September 30, 2015 - Submission Deadline of Panel Proposals
- October 30, 2015 - Announcement of Accepted Panels
- November 30, 2015 - Submission Deadline of Paper Proposals
- December 30, 2015 - Announcement of Accepted Papers
- January 31, 2016 - Early Bird Registration and Payment Deadline
- April 30, 2016 - Full Registration and Payment Deadline

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