RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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04Nov 2015

CFP - Research workshop on regulating government-owned utilities, Singapore, February 2016

A two-day workshop hosted by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore will focus on the regulation of GOUs, with a specific focus on the water sector. It will bring together scholars from the domains of economics, political science, public policy and management to explore theory and evidence from both developed and developing countries. The workshop will seek to draw out lessons relevant to future policy design.

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04Nov 2015

CFP on 'Is public management neglecting the state ?' - Aarhus, Denmark, June 2016

Professors Brint Milward and Alasdair Roberts invite expressions of interest from academics interested in participating in a panel to be held at the Public Management Research Conference at Aarhus University on June 22-24, 2016. The short papers produced for the panel will be published as a collection in Governance 30.3 (July 2016).

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03Nov 2015

Position for PhD student, Lausanne, Switzerland

The University of Lausanne is seeking a new Ph.D. student (100%) in the framework of a new project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF): "When and why do governments integrate policy sectors ? A comparative analysis of eleven countries and four policy areas".

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30Oct 2015

Forum on interpretive policy analysis

A forum in the latest issue of the journal Critical Policy Studies includes an article about the interpretive approach to policy, along with critiques from several members of an international network of scholars interested in critical and interpretive policy studies. This forum should be especially useful for teaching students about interpretive/critical methods, their distinctiveness from positivist approaches, and the relation between epistemology, theoretical perspective, and methodology/methods.

Through an arrangement with the publisher, these articles have been made available for free downloading at this link: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcps20/current .

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29Oct 2015

CFP Conference on Urbanization, Guangzhou, China, November 2015

Themed 'Smart and Inclusive Growth in Urbanization', the 3rd International Conference on Social Policy and Governance Innovation to be held in Guangzhou, China, on 28-29 November 2015 will aim at creating a conducive platform for the discussion on international experiences and Chinese practices in urbanization. The conference particularly encourages studies analyzing how different countries and regions manage various policy challenges in the course of urbanization, as well as governance innovations and policy lessons learned. Both empirical studies and theoretical discussions are welcome.


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28Oct 2015

Position on public policy, Chieng Mai, Thailand

The Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration at Chiang Mai University in Thailand is seeking to recruit in a number of fiields, including public policy.

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23Oct 2015

Should articles have a Public Interest Statement ?

It is argued that academic articles should have a Public Interest Statement telling the general reader why this article is of interest (as well as an abstract which is really addressed to the specialist reader).  For surthr information on this interesting proposition, read on.

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23Oct 2015

CFP - ECPR joint sessions 2016 - Pisa, Italy


Call for Papers | ECPR Joint Sessions 2016, Pisa

Behavioural Change and Public Policy

Workshop directors

Holger Strassheim, Humboldt University Berlin; holger.strassheim@hu-berlin.de

Silke Beck, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; silke.beck@ufz.de

Closing date for paper proposals is 1 Dec 2016

To submit a paper proposal go to http://ecpr.eu/Events/EventDetails.aspx?EventID=101

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19Oct 2015

Position in public policy and administration, Agder, Norway

The University of Agder invites applications for one full-time, permanent position as Professor/Associate Professor in public policy and administration at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Management, located in Kristiansand, Norway.

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16Oct 2015

CFP - Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference, Hull, UK, July 2016

Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference
5-7 July 2016
University of Hull UK

Call for Panels - Deadline 30th November 2015

Interpretive policy analysis engenders and embraces research which extends across the social sciences and which is applied to a vast range of policy topics. The common interest of interpretive approaches to policy analysis is the recognition of the importance of discourse, meaning making, interpretation and the performance of social practices both in devising and in enacting policy.

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13Oct 2015

CFP - Smart and inclusive growth in urbanisation, Guangzhou, China, November 2015

Themed 'Smart and Inclusive Growth in Urbanization', the 3rd International Conference on Social Policy and Governance Innovation to be held on 28-29 November 2015 will aim at creating a conducive platform for the discussion on international experiences and Chinese practices in urbanization.

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09Oct 2015

CFP - ECPR/SGEU Conference in Trento, Italy, 16-18 June 2016

Title: Understanding EU responses towards crises and conflicts

The EU’s neighborhood is fraught with crises and conflicts, which range from the violent civil wars in Syria, Libya, and Ukraine, the rise of the Islamic State and the more entrenched situations of Israel-Palestine, Morocco-Western Sahara, Nagorno-Karabakh just to mention a few. Migration flows, including the recent refugee crisis, are also issues that the EU has to face on the international stage. And if we move beyond the neighborhood, conflicts in Africa, the instability in Afghanistan and Iraq and environmental disasters around the world force the EU to act.

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09Oct 2015

CFP - EGPA/NISPACee conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2016

TED 9 - Openness, Transparency and Ethics in Public Administration: Do they Support Each Other?

Ljubljana, Slovenia  (4-5 February, 2016)

For the 9th time, the two decisive European professional associations of Public Administration, the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) and the European Group on Public Administration (EGPA) will hold a joint conference in the series of Trans-European Dialogue (TED 9). Each conference so far has been of great success, also producing the scientific publications (more on http://www.nispa.org/journal.php).

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09Oct 2015

CFP - new journal

European Policy Analysis (EPA) is a double blind peer-reviewed journal on policy research with an emphasis on European countries, issues and studies (and/or) which follows a comparative approach (and/or) which contributes to the theoretical understanding of policy research under the aegis of the Policy Studies Organization (PSO). It appears twice a year, in spring and in fall, as online, e-book and print version. General editors are Nils C. Bandelow (Braunschweig/Germany), Peter Biegelbauer (Wien/Austria), Fritz Sager (Bern/Switzerland) and Klaus Schubert (Münster/Germany). Please visit http://www.ipsonet.org/publications/open-access/epa for more information about the journal

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09Oct 2015

Positiions for PhD students, Pennsylvanie US

The Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg

PhD Program in Public Administration

Assistantship Announcement

2016-2017 Academic Year


Assistantships are available for full-time PhD students in public administration at Penn State Harrisburg, beginning the academic year of 2016-2017, for up to four years of study. The assistantships will be awarded to those applicants who demonstrate their ability and motivation to pursue a PhD study.

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07Oct 2015

Position in public management, Lausanne, Switzerland

Full or associate professor in management with a specialization in analysis of public data

Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), Lausanne.

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02Oct 2015

CFP - Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference, Hull, UK, July 2016

Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference
5-7 July 2016
University of Hull, UK

Call for Panels - Deadline 30th November 2015

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02Oct 2015

Position in Innovation Systems and Technology Policy, Gothenberg, Sweden

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenberg, Swedeb,  invites applications for a position as Professor of Innovation Systems and Technology Policy.   The research profile of the chair is sociotechnical transformation towards more sustainable industrial systems and technology policy design

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30Sep 2015

CFP - Adaptation and change in global governance, Barcelona, Spain, February 2016

Workshop on Adaptation and Change in Global Governance

Barcelona, 4-5 February 2016

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30Sep 2015

CFP - How do policymakers learn ? Istanbul, Turkey, July 2016

How do Policymakers Learn? Configurations of Political Learning and Policy Learning in Public Policy Analysis
Panel at IPSA Congress, Istanbul, July 2016

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