How do Public Interest Statements contribute to a wider readership?

The more people who read, cite and engage with your work, the greater its potential impact.

One of the many ways that Cogent OA helps authors to find the greatest possible readership is through a public interest statement with each article.

What is a Public Interest Statement?

The Public Interest Statement is a concise summary of your research written in non-technical language that will be understood by readers without specialist knowledge of your research field.

If your work is highly theoretical then the Public Interest Statement can describe the broader purpose or aims of your work or research project.

How will including a Public Interest Statement contribute to a greater impact for your research?

The Public Interest Statement will maximise readership of your article by expanding the size of your audience. Readers outside your immediate field of study bring fresh perspectives to your work and introduce new opportunities for interdisciplinary research.

It will also increase the public impact of your work and can support future grant applications through evidence of wider public engagement.

Explore the articles published in Cogent Social Sciences and get inspiration on how to prepare your next Public Interest Statement.

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