03Sep 2015
CFP - Transformation of public services through e-government
22:22 - By Hal Colebatch - Publications
Special isue on the experiences of developing countries of the transformation of public services through the adoption of e-government
Submission Due Date
Guest Editors
Dr. Frank Louis Kwaku Ohemeng, University of Ottawa, Canada
This special issue attempts to fill the lacuna left by the lack of empirical studies on the adoption and implementation of e-government in developing countries. It will thus draw on case studies to determine whether or not e-government is transforming, or has actually transformed, the relevant public sector institutions. The questions this special issue attempts to answer include: What is meant by the transformation of public services through e-government? Is there in fact any hard evidence delineating the transformation of public sector institutions through the adoption of e-government? If so, can such transformation be solely attributed to e-government and, if not, then what other factors may account for any transformation or lack thereof? What are the challenges and prospects for the adoption of e-government in public sector institutions in developing countries?
The adoption of electronic government (e-government) in developing countries has been on the rise since the beginning of the new millennium. Many governments in these countries have spent, and continue to spend, a greater portion of their limited budgets on information communication technologies (ICTs) and infrastructural development with the view that the adoption of e-government can help transform their public sector institutions. This is especially true in the area of service delivery, where the stated goal is to enhance transparency, and ensure efficiency and effectiveness in public services.
This notion of e-government transformation continues to be highlighted in the academic literature. For instance, apart from the transformation of service delivery, some scholars argue that it can reduce corruption (a perceived social cancer in these countries), as well as promote good governance. Politically, it has the potential to level the playing field for all parties, as well as in the declaration of election results. While these discussions continue unabated, there have been few empirical studies on the transformation that e-government has engendered in developing countries.
This special issue attempts to fill the lacuna left by the lack of empirical studies on the adoption and implementation of e-government in developing countries. It will thus draw on case studies to determine whether or not e-government is transforming, or has actually transformed, the relevant public sector institutions. The questions this special issue attempts to answer include: What is meant by the transformation of public services through e-government? Is there in fact any hard evidence delineating the transformation of public sector institutions through the adoption of e-government? If so, can such transformation be solely attributed to e-government and, if not, then what other factors may account for any transformation or lack thereof? What are the challenges and prospects for the adoption of e-government in public sector institutions in developing countries?
Recommended Topics
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited to) the following:
· Understanding e-government and transformation of public services in developing countries
· E-government and organizational transformation
· E-government and corruption
· E-government and the transformation in tax administration
· E-government and service delivery
· E-government and health services delivery
· E-government, freedom of information and public services
· Challenges of e-government and public services delivery
· Public-private partnership in the era of e-government
· E-government and the new public governance
· E-government and the digital divide
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on The Transformation of Public Services through E-government Adoption: Experiences from Developing Countries on or before 31st October 2015. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at http://www.igi-global.com/
Submission Dates and Deadlines
· Article proposal abstract due (500 words): October 31, 2015.
· Proposal notification: November 30, 2015.
· Full article draft due: February 29, 2016.
· Peer review results: April 30, 2016.
· Final revised article due: June 30, 2016.
· Notification of final acceptance: July 31, 2016.
All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Dr. Frank L.K. Ohemeng
Guest Editor
International Journal of Public Administration and Digital Age (IJPADA)
E-mail: fohemeng@uottawa.ca