IPSA and Sage have combined to bring out an eight-volume encyclopaedia of political science, with thousands of entries on every topic you've ever thought of (and many you haven't), written lucidly by all the usual suspects (including your esteemed chair) Now read on !
15Feb 2012
Postdoc in Organisational resilience and governance
13:30 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The University of Queensland (Australia) is looking for a postdoc to work on organisational and governance responses to scientific knowledge on rising sea levels and their ecosystem impacts.
08Feb 2012
Two vacancies at University of Amsterdam
23:36 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The University of Amsterdam is now offering two assistant professorships in public policy and governance:
* one position focuses on public policy and governance of issues characteristic for contemporary, transnational societies; * the other position focuses on the design and functioning of organizations in the public sphere
22Jan 2012
New book: Governance: is it for Everyone ?
22:42 - By Hal Colebatch - Publications
This new collection is edited by Ann Marie Bissessar from the University of the West Indies, with contributions by several RC32 members. For full details
19Jan 2012
Participation Professionals: a research/practice conversation
22:59 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
At the Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference 2012 (5-7 July 2012, University of Tilburg, Netherlands), there will be a research/practice conversation on the policy work of public engagement practitioners, convened by Koen Bartels (University of Glasgow) and Oliver Escobar (University of Edinburgh). For more information,
19Jan 2012
Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
11:37 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
The Berlin Conference Steering Committee and its partners invite papers for this year’s ‘Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change ’. The 2012 conference, which will be held in Berlin from 5-6 October, 2012, will be the 11th event in the series of annual European Conferences. With this year’s conference theme “Evidence for Sustainable Development” we address the knowledge basis of political decisions required for sustainable development, the construction of evidence, and the ways evidence is used in decision-making.
31Dec 2011
RC32 panels at forthcoming IPSA World Congress, Madrid
11:23 - By Hal Colebatch - RC32 activities
There has been a lot of interesting activity over the past few months, putting together the agenda for discussion for the World Congress in Madrid in July. The previous limit on the number of panels has been relaxed, and we have been encouraged to make links with other research committees. As a result, we will be sponsoring twenty-three panels at Madrid, twelve of them co-sponsored with other research committees.
The full listing of panels, paper titles and abstracts can be found on the IPSA website (www.ipsa.org -> Madrid Congress -> list of panels -> RC32). For the names of our panels, read on.
27Dec 2011
a practice-oriented handbook pn public dialogue and deliberation
17:18 - By Hal Colebatch - Publications
Public Dialogue and Deliberation: A communication perspective for public engagement practitioners By Oliver Escobar Public Policy Network (University of Edinburgh)
This free booklet seeks to speak to people involved in creating public forums for meaningful conversations. It provides an understanding of face-to-face communication that will prove invaluable to public engagement practitioners on the ground.
27Dec 2011
Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference July 2012 - Call for Papers
16:51 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN INTERPRETIVE POLICY ANALYSIS Understanding the drama of democracy: policy work, power and transformation
Thursday July 5 – Saturday July 7, 2012, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
Conference website: www.ipa2012.org
Paper proposals Deadline January 31, 2012 Please submit through the website (500 words max.)
27Dec 2011
Shaping innovation in governance? Conference, Berlin, 31 May – 1 June 2012. CALL FOR PAPERS –
16:42 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Shaping innovation in governance? Inducements, opportunities and limitations for engaging with governance in the making 31 May – 1 June 2012, Berlin
The Third Berlin Forum Innovation in Governance is pivoted on the question of whether and how innovations in governance can be deliberately shaped. This suggests a focus on the relation between knowledge and politics in processes of advancing new forms of governance. More specifically, we are interested in discussing the relation between, on the one hand, a discourse of innovation in governance, theoretical models of change, the articulation of designs and strategies, and, on the other hand, the agency of innovation, actual practices of forging alliances, softening established orders, configuring and evaluating new arrangements, and linking up with broader transformation processes as they unfold. The Forum will open with a public keynote dialogue between Frank Fischer (Rutgers University) and Andrew Stirling (University of Sussex) on challenges of innovating governance for sustainable development.
29Nov 2011
ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques - NEW LOCATION
20:14 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
The First ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques - REGISTRATION OPEN
New Location -The University of Vienna, Austria 11th – 18th February 2012
26Nov 2011
PhD opportunities at European University Institute
13:39 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
160 Ph.D. Grants to Be Awarded for Academic Year 2012-13
The EUI offers one of the world’s largest and most distinguished graduate programmes
in Social Sciences.
23Nov 2011
new journal - Online Learning
17:50 - By Hal Colebatch - Journal Watch
The Policy Studies Organization, in cooperation with American Public University System, has launched a new journal - Online Learning.
23Nov 2011
Public Administration Theory Network 2012 Conference:
15:45 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Exploring borders: new realities, challenges and solutions 17-20 May, South Padre Island, Texas, US
22Nov 2011
ECP{R Winter School Lost in translation? Foreign languages in qualitative research
21:07 - By Hal Colebatch
This course, which will be held in Famagusta, Cyprus from 11-18 February 2012, will address methodological problems for qualitative research designs resulting from societal multi-ethnicity, migration and the internationalisation of research.
For full details, read on. All questions about the course to Prof. Littig, please: littig@ihs.ac.at
13Nov 2011
job opportunity, University of the South Pacific
17:23 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The School of Management and Public Administration at the University of the South Pacific, based in Suva, Fiji is recruiting two academic staff at Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor level.
12Nov 2011
latest German Policy Studies
17:24 - By Hal Colebatch - Journal Watch
The latest issue of German Policy Studies (GPS) is a special issue on “Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research”, edited by Joachim Blatter and Fritz Sager. For details of the articles,
09Nov 2011
Policy hournals available on-line
21:04 - By Hal Colebatch - Publications
The Policy Studies Organization and Wiley-Blackwell are delighted to announce that the PSO journals will be available online-only beginning in January 2012.
08Nov 2011
On specialisation and collaboration in political science
10:52 - By Hal Colebatch - RC32 activities
The lead story in the IPSA web page (www.ipsa.org) at the moment is an address by Rainer Eisfeld, who coordinates the IPSA research committees. on the challenge of linkage between the specialised groups within IPSA. RC32 has always struggled against the demands for differentiation and tried to build links between the existing groups, and i is interesting to see this mentioned at the close of Rainer's talk.
17Oct 2011
Governance; is it for everyone ?
17:06 - By Hal Colebatch - Publications
This new book, edited by Anne Marie Bissessar of the University of the West Indies, aims to present a set of perspectives that are sound and useful and it seeks to stimulate scholars and students and at the same time to inform practitioners of the myth that governance is a perfect method of administration to be applied in all countries, irrespective of their levels of development or the impact and experience of globalization in various countries . This book will certainly bring a conclusion to the ongoing debate of whether “Governance Is for Everyone.” (Imprint: Nova)
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