19Jan 2012
Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
11:37 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
The Berlin Conference Steering Committee and its partners invite papers for this year’s ‘Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change ’. The 2012 conference, which will be held in Berlin from 5-6 October, 2012, will be the 11th event in the series of annual European Conferences. With this year’s conference theme “Evidence for Sustainable Development” we address the knowledge basis of political decisions required for sustainable development, the construction of evidence, and the ways evidence is used in decision-making.
The conference aims at bringing together scientists from different disciplines and strands of research that produce evidence to support decision-making for sustainable development, and those that study the use of such evidence. Furthermore, we invite policy-makers and practitioners working at the science-policy interface or dealing with issues of evidence use in policy making to share their experiences.
The conference will be held in Berlin from 5-6 October, 2012. Paper proposals are expected by 1 April, 2012. All paper submissions will be reviewed by an international review panel. Notification of the decision will be sent by email no later than 30 June, 2012. Full papers are expected by 15 September, 2012.
You find the Call for Papers by following the link: http://www.berlinconference.org/2012/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Call-for-Papers-BC-2012.pdf
Further information about the conference will be posted at the conference website: http://www.berlinconference.org/2012/