
Chapter 1. Is Governance for Everybody? (B. Guy Peters)

Chapter 2. Governance in Finland (Pekka Kettunen)

Chapter 3. Managing Public Affairs in South Eastern Europe: Muddled Governance (Ivan Koprić)

Chapter 4. Transnational Networks and the Making of Global Governance – the Example of Non-State Actors in the Multilateral Trade Regime (Michael Strange)

Chapter 5. The March of Freedom: How Globalization Promotes Liberalization (Robert Cox)

Chapter 6. Complex Global Governance – A New Methodology? (Peter Aagaard and Michael Strange)

Chapter 7. Constitutional Reform, the Separation of Powers and Good Governance in an Ex-Colonial Society (Ann Marie Bissessar)

Chapter 8. Constitutional Design, Good Governance and Political Change in a Plural Society (John Gaffar LaGuerre)

Chapter 9. Governance in Democracies and Non–Democracies (Kenneth Janda)

Chapter 10. Economic Change and Governance Reforms: The Impact of Structural Adjustment on Governance in Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad (Kenwyn Taylor)

Publisher: Nova

  Pub. Date: 2012 2nd Quarter
  ISBN: 978-1-61942-289-6