RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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26Jul 2016

Postdoc position at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands

The department of Sociology seeks to fill a position for a post-doctoral researcher in the field of social security systems, policy implementation, socio-legal studies, welfare economics, or comparative legal studies. The successful candidate will execute an individual postdoc project in the overarching EUR Research Excellence Initiative (REI) Program Shifting from Welfare to Social Investment States: Privatization of Work-Related Risk Control (2015-2019) awarded by the board of the Erasmus University. The postdoc will also administrate the REI program

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16Jul 2016

Internship, International Public Policy Association, Lyon, France

The International Public Policy Association (IPPA) is offering a student internship at ENTPE - University of Lyon, France, at the head office of the Association. The main purpose of IPPA is to organize the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) and develop an academic community over the public policy field.

The well-organized and autonomous intern we are looking for will be involved in an international environment where he/she will help to develop the Association through event organization, website management, supervision of communications and member relations in the Association etc.

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16Jul 2016

CFP - The global politics of acceptance, Duisburg, Germany, September 2016

The Global Politics of Acceptance: Claiming Epistemic and Governance Authority in the Post-national Constellation
Workshop at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen

The workshop will take place from 6th–8th September 2016 at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen (Schifferstr. 196, 47059 Duisburg).

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11Jul 2016

Conference on international organisation, Strasbourg, France, September 2016

International Organization and the globalisation of public instruments and ideas; micro-processes and actors' configurations  Conference Strasbourg, France, September 2016.


For programme, read on

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10Jul 2016

Workshop on Transferable Learning, Wellington New Zealand, Augut 2016

For details of the forthcoming JCPA and ICPA Forum workshop, read on.

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07Jul 2016

CFP workshop on innovative urban governance,Sepatmber 2016, Amsterdam The Netherlands

Call for abstracts for a fully funded workshop:

Innovative urban governance for mitigation and adaptation: Mapping, exploring and interrogating

22-23 September 2016, Amsterdam


Innovative urban governance for mitigation and adaptation

The built environment is a major source of resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It is an absolutely key aspect of climate change adaptation and mitigation, and holds a large cost-effective potential for improvement. But traditional governance approaches such as planning legislation and building regulation have not been able to unlock its full potential. In response governments, firms and citizens around the globe have begun to develop and implement governance innovations for improved urban sustainability and resilience. This fully funded workshop will bring together 15-20 scholars under the flag of the COST Action INOGOV (Innovations in Climate Governance) to map, explore and interrogate this global trend of urban governance innovations.

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07Jul 2016

CFP Conference on Social Policy and Governance Innovation Hong Kong November 2016

The Department of Asian and Policy Studies of the Education University of Hong Kong (previously known as the Hong Kong Institute of Education), the Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University, and the School of Public Administration of South China University of Technology are convening a two-day conference on social policy and governance innovation to be held on November 24 and 25, 2016 in Hong Kong. As a continuation of the conference series held in Hong Kong and Guangzhou in rotation, this fourth conference aims to provide a venue for academic discussion and scholarly exchange on social policy and governance in Asia and beyond.

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02Jul 2016

Cal for proposals for special issues - Policy & Politics

Policy & Politics has been publishing seminal works on public and social policy, and politics for over 40 years. It is a world-leading journal that is committed to advancing understanding of the dynamics of policy-making and implementation.  By exploring the interplay between political actors, governing institutions and policy issues, the journal contributes to theories of the policy process; and by reflecting on the evolving context in which these interactions occur, it provides critical insights that are timely and fresh.


The journal’s co-editors invite proposals for a special issue to be published online in 2018 and in print in 2019 that will make a significant contribution to our understanding of public or social policy and/or politics. 

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01Jul 2016

Winter School on the Analytics and Policy Design of Migration Doha, Qatar, January 2017

Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Qatar is pleased to announce that the Fourth Winter School on the Analytics and Policy Design of Migration will be held in Doha, Qatar, on January 3-7, 2017.

The School will be led by Oded Stark, Distinguished Research Scholar at Georgetown University, Professor at the Universities of Bonn, Tuebingen, and Warsaw.

Submission Deadline: October 15, 2016

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01Jul 2016

Postdoc in 'Governance Analytics'

University Paris-Dauphine/PSL Research University

Postdoctoral Fellowships - IRIS "Governance Analytics"

Applications are invited for Postdoctoral Fellowships in Data-driven Research in Social Sciences (Econ., Mangmt., Social Sciences, Computer Sciences, Math and Stats.).
 The newly established multidisciplinary program on "Governance Analytics" has four openings for postdoctoral fellowships in data-driven social sciences. The program aims at establishing a group of young scholars specialized in data gathering, databases integration and data processing with the aims of contributing to the exploration of governance and regulation of organizations, institutions and markets. The pluri-disciplinary team will be responsible for providing assistance to research teams in social science in designing research protocols, contributing to on-going research projects based on advanced methodologies, and developing original tools (algorithm, databases, treatments) to study the various dimension of governance.


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30Jun 2016

New book: governance, politics, policy

The ECPR Standing Group 'Theoretical Perspectives in Policy Analysis' would like to draw your attention to the following publication, produced by the UK Political Studies Association's ‘Interpretive Political Science Specialist Group’:

Interpreting Governance, High Politics, and Public Policy (Nick Turnbull, ed.) May 2016, ISBN 9781138777286. Routledge: http://bit.ly/2022evN 

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29Jun 2016

Summer School in Deliberative Democracy, Canberra, Australia, February 2017

The Centre for Deliberative Democracy & Global Governance is convening the Second Deliberative Democracy Summer School from 15-17 February 2017. The three-day summer school will focus on classical debates and emerging themes in deliberative theory and practice, including deliberative cultures, representation in the deliberative system and methodological innovations in researching deliberative politics. Participants will have an opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from the speakers and fellow participants.

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02Jun 2016

CFP First Annual Meeting of the Singapore-based Public Policy Network, August 2016

Based on the model of the Australian and other similar successful public policy networks around the globe, the Singapore PPN provides a venue for faculty and students at Singapore’s  post-secondary institutions interested in public policy to present their work and engage in discussions with colleagues from around the region.




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28May 2016

New journal on policy in higher education

Policy Reviews in Higher Education is the new journal from the Society of Research into Higher Education, and will be launching at their annual research conference in December 2016.

The journal will open up a space for publishing in-depth accounts of significant areas of policy development affecting higher education internationally. 

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21May 2016

CFP Society of Policy Scientists, Claremont CA, US, October 2016


Request for Proposals

2016 Annual Institute

Society of Policy Scientists

October 27-29, 2016

Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, CA


Diffusion of Ideas: Linking Lasswell to the Future

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21May 2016

Scholarship for PhD on policy work by ministerial cabiet advisers, Louvain, Belgium

 For a FNRS research project untitled ‘Policy advice utilisation by ministerial cabinet advisers (POLADMIN)’, UCL is recruiting:One PhD student (scholarship) in policy analysis or public administration (4 years) to conduct research on the policy work by ministerial cabinet advisers

Deadline: 20 June 2016

Position open until filled

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21May 2016

Position of Directeur General, Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique, Quebec, Canada

À titre de premier dirigeant de l’ENAP, vous relevez du conseil d’administration dont vous
êtes membre. Vous assumez la gestion stratégique de l’institution ainsi que la réalisation
de l’enseignement crédité, de la recherche et des services aux organisations. Vous veillez à
la conception et à la réalisation de l’ensemble des programmes et des services offerts par
l’École. Vous présidez la commission des études et l’assemblée professorale. Vous siégez au
comité des ressources humaines et à l’Assemblée des gouverneurs ainsi qu’à la
Commission de planification de l’Université du Québec. Vous représentez l’ENAP auprès du
Bureau de coopération universitaire.

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16May 2016

Phd Scholarships Democracy under Stress , Lueneberg, Germany


The doc­to­ral pro­gram in­ves­ti­ga­tes how the new po­li­ti­cal, eco­no­mic, eco­lo­gi­cal, and cul­tu­ral chal­len­ges (‚stress fac­tors’) that mo­dern de­mo­cra­cies en­coun­ter are per­cei­ved, dealt with, and sol­ved in view of the exis­ting ten­si­on bet­ween po­li­ti­cal le­gi­ti­ma­cy and re­stric­ted per­for­mance. It will fur­ther look into the im­pli­ca­ti­ons that dif­fe­rent mo­des of pro­blem-hand­ling have for the ‚sur­vi­val chan­ces’ of de­mo­cra­cy. This two­fold re­se­arch agen­da will be ana­ly­zed in three fiel­ds of stu­dy that re­pre­sent the core func­tions of de­mo­cra­cies: par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on, and in­clu­si­on.

The first field of stu­dy is con­cer­ned with how ci­ti­zens in de­mo­cra­tic so­cie­ties per­cei­ve cur­rent so­cie­tal chal­len­ges in light of in­cre­a­sing „eman­ci­pa­ti­ve“ va­lue ori­en­ta­ti­ons and how the­se per­cep­ti­ons are trans­la­ted into po­li­ti­cal be­ha­viour (participatory democracy).

In the frame­work of the se­cond field of stu­dy, the re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve ca­pa­ci­ty of po­li­ti­cal in­ter­me­di­a­ry or­ga­niza­t­i­ons as well as po­li­ti­cal in­sti­tu­ti­ons wi­t­hin and outs­ide the na­ti­on sta­te will be ana­ly­zed (representative democracy).

By me­ans of selec­ted po­li­cy fiel­ds (e. g. en­vi­ron­men­tal, cli­ma­te, sci­ence and me­dia po­li­cy) the third field of stu­dy looks into the is­sue of how new forms of po­li­ti­cal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in­ter­act with tra­di­tio­nal in­sti­tu­ti­ons, ac­tors, and pro­ces­ses of re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve de­mo­cra­cy (inclusive democracy).



Professor Dr. Ferdinand Müller-Rommel

Professorin Dr. Marion Reiser

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16May 2016

Position in Astana, Kazakhstan

The Graduate School of Public Policy (GSPP) at Nazarbayev University, invites applications to join our international faculty and to share in our vision of becoming the leading public policy school in Kazakhstan and the Central Asia region. Candidates must have the requisite teaching, research and public policy experience to contribute to curriculum development, innovative pedagogy and international scholarship. Experience with public sector organizations, consultancies with international organizations, leadership in the development of relevant educational institutions and teaching experience in Asia will be regarded as strong additional qualifications.  

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08May 2016

Position in political science, Lille, France


Full time, permanent position

Starting date: September 1st, 2016

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