We are proposing a panel on the work of practitioners in policy analysis for the Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference at Wageningen (the Netherlands), 3-5 July 2014, and invite you to propose a paper.
09Dec 2013
Annual Review of Policy Design
21:51 - By Hal Colebatch - Publications
Michael Howlett tells us that the first issue of the new open-access Annual Review of Policy Design has been published and is available on-line. The review is located at http://annualreviewofpolicydesign.com
The review publishes original articles and reprints of current and classic pieces dealing with policy design research and theory. It is a project of the National University of Singapore Policy Design Lab (see http://policy-design.org for more information on the Lab and its activities.)
05Dec 2013
position at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
23:46 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
Associate Professor/Professor Centre for Governance and Public Policy / Griffith Asia Institute Reference: 498240
Griffith University is looking to appoint a tenure-track (continuing) Professor or Associate Professor in political science (including international relations and all other sub-fields).
03Dec 2013
Doctoral Fellowships in (Risk, Bias and Policy Expertise at the University of Montreal
21:21 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The department of political science at the Université de Montréal invites applications for a doctoral scholarship in the area of Risk, Bias and Policy Expertise.
The selected candidate will work on the way in which members of the public, elites and institutions respond to new risks, and the extent to which these same actors update their priors in the face of new expert information. Research opportunities in this program cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: political culture and the extent to which value cleavages influence risk perception; issue framing and media coverage of risks; the production of risk analysis and the role of experts in the policy-making process.
03Dec 2013
establishment of policy design laboratory in Singapore
21:18 - By Hal Colebatch
Michael Howlett sends details of a Policy Design Lab project that started early this year at the LKY School at the National University of Singapore.
The Policy design lab project is a multi-year efforts that aims to develop an inventory of policy design tools and a repository of knowledge for application at the national/ state level.
29Nov 2013
position in Governance and Public Policy, Brisbane, Australia
21:52 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Centre for Governance and Public Policy / Griffith Asia Institute Griffith University
Reference: 498241
25Nov 2013
New on-line journal
21:34 - By Hal Colebatch - Publications
The Crawford School of Public Policy has launched the first issue of its new on-line journal 'Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies.'
Further information from the journal website:
21Nov 2013
CFP - Institute for Public Administration in Canada (IPAC) conference - June 2014
10:19 - By Hal Colebatch
2014 Annual Conference Creating Possibilities – Igniting Transformative Solutions Edmonton, Alberta June 1-4
The Institute for Public Administration in Canada invites submissions for its annual conference in Edmonton, June 1-4 2014.
The conference is designed to bring together a large and varied audience from academia, all levels of government, First Nations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.
20Nov 2013
position in public policy and administration, Moscow
23:05 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The Higher School of Economics invites applications for full-time, tenure-track positions of Assistant Professor, or higher, in Public Policy and Administration. We welcome candidates in all subfields and notably in global public policy, comparative public policy, public policy analysis; public service, human rights, public health; global governance, democratic governance, local governance, soft law and regulatory governance; theory and practice of government, administrative process, performance evaluation; political economy; economics; ethics and society.
20Nov 2013
Position in Public Policy / Asia , Vancouver, Canada
23:00 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The Institute of Asian Research (IAR) and the Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia (Vancouver campus), invite applications for a tenure-track appointment at the assistant professor level, effective July 1, 2014, in Asian public policy.* All policy specializations will be considered relevant (for example, governance and policy-making, economic policy, environmental policy, social and gender policy, urban policy, transportation, water, development).
20Nov 2013
Call for Panels and Papers ECPR Graduate Student Conference July 2014
22:56 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Contested Public Administrations? - Organizing Wicked Problems
3 - 5 July 2014 | University of Innsbruck, Austria
***| Open for M.A.s, PhD students, Postdocs | Deadline: 20 January 2014***
Public Administration Section Chairs: Anne Lange, Katrin Dribbisch, Thomas Danken (DFG Research Training Group WIPCAD, University of Potsdam), Rebecca-Lea Korinek (WZB, Berlin)
*** Propose a PANEL as panel chair/co-chair OR apply with an individual PAPER for the section | Apply as panel chair with an abstract of no more than 300 words, 3-5 papers incl. abstracts of no more than 150 words and 3-8 keywords, a proposal for a discussant, and 3-8 keywords | Apply with an individual paper incl. an abstract of no more than 150 words and 3-8 keywords | For more detailed information see: ECPR Guidelines and Deadlines ***
14Nov 2013
CFP - panel on the work of practitioners in policy analysis, IPA Wageningen, July 2014
13:40 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
We like to invite you to send us a paper abstract for the panel we will propose on the work of practitioners in policy analysis. The panel theme is as follows:
Studies of policy implementation, community activism and front-line work demonstrate a sustained interest in the everyday practices of people ‘on the ground’. In particular, within the field of urban governance, there is an emergent literature on participation and deliberation, that focuses on how different types of practitioners are able to build vital coalitions, in the boundary spaces between government, civil society and communities in order to get things done. This panel aims to draw together innovative and resonant new contributions to this international field from both early career researchers and more established scholars. We want to provoke critical and lively debate in order to deepen our understanding of these practices and significance of such practitioners.
14Nov 2013
academic post at Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
13:31 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The Université catholique de Louvain invites applications for a tenure track position full-time in the field of Political Sciences - Public Administration
The successful candidate will carry out his/her research and teaching activities in political sciences - public administration, in priority in the field of regional development.
Starting date : 1st September, 2014
Vacancy Reference: 31 / ESPO 080 M / 2014 (to be quoted in any correspondence)
11Nov 2013
PhD positions in policy analysis and environmental governance - Switzerland
07:57 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The Research Group of *Policy Analysis and Environmental Governance (PEGO)* at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag, Dübendorf/Zürich) and the University of Bern opens *three PhD positions *in Public Policy Analysis. The planned *start is April 2014*; applications are *due by December 15th*; please see details below and attached.
08Nov 2013
Call for papers Interpretive Policy Analysis conference 3-5 July 2014
15:24 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Interpretive approaches to research and analysis - methodologies and methods concerned with situated meaning(s), historical context(s), and the importance of human subjectivity- are experiencing renewed interest and revitalisation in the social sciences broadly. They constitute the basic cornerstone of a critical approach to policy analysis which challenges the positivism and scientism that still characterize much policy analytic research.
Following on successful meetings in Birmingham, Amsterdam, Essex, Kassel, Grenoble, Cardiff, Tilburg and Vienna, the 9th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis will be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands, hosted by several research groups at Wageningen University. The theme for the meeting is 'Governance and beyond: Knowledge, technology and communication in a globalizing world.'
28Oct 2013
Lectureship in public policy, De Montfort University, UK
13:28 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The Department of Politics and Public Policy at De Montfort University is recruiting a lecturer in Public Policy as part of a 2020 initiative by the Vice-Chancellor. This early-career post is open to any candidate in the area of Public Policy (broadly defined) who is able to demonstrate how they would make a strong research and teaching contribution to the Department.
20Oct 2013
Panel at Nordic Pol Sci conference, August 2014
22:13 - By Hal Colebatch
At the Nordic Political Science Association (NOPSA) conference in Gothenburg, August 12-15, 2014, there will be a workshop on 'Theorising advisers and their relation to politicians and bureaucrats'.
For more information about the conference and the call for papers please follow this link: http://www.nopsa.net/, and for more information about the workshop please contact heidi@dps.aau.dk.
The deadline for paper proposals is January 18, 2014.
For the full call for papers, read on.
08Oct 2013
Public Management Conference, Ottawa, April 2014
23:41 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Proposals for papers are invited for the International Research Society for Public Management Annual Conference, to be held at School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa Canada, April 9-11, 2014, on the theme ‘Intersections: Governance, Democracy, Accountability’
Abstracts are due by November 1st 2013
08Oct 2013
Academic Research Positions, Singapore
22:42 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The Centre on Asia and Globalisation (CAG), a premier research institution of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) at the National University of Singapore, invites applications for three appointments at the levels of Senior Research Fellow*; Research Fellow*. Each of the appointments will initially be for three years (with the opportunity for renewal). Each of the appointments presents researchers with the opportunity to become faculty within the Lee Kuan Yew School in addition to their core research position at CAG.
08Oct 2013
Faculty Position: Public Finance, Singapore
22:39 - By Hal Colebatch - employment
The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, an autonomous graduate school of the National University of Singapore and a premier Asian public policy institution, invites applications for full-time tenure track position (rank open) in Public Finance. Candidates with expertise in any of the following areas are encouraged to apply: public expenditure analysis; taxation; intergovernmental fiscal relations; financial management; budget analysis.
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