Keynote speakers¹

Silvio Funtowicz

Professor, Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway.

Title: 'Is the Internet to Science what the Gutenberg press was to the Church? Collapsing the monopoly on knowledge'

Nikolas Rose

Professor of Sociology, King's College, London

Title: To be announced

Susan Wright

Professor of Educational Anthropology, Danish University of Education, Aarhus

Title: To be announced

¹ Further details available on the conference webpage:

Conference theme

In recent years, practices of policy, governance, and society have been profoundly shaped by growing globalization. Knowledge, communication, resources and products flow across different localities and scales, thereby connecting different spaces and the human and non-human actors that inhabit them.

Although globalization seems inescapable, its trends, directions and impacts are unevenly distributed and far from clear. Despite ‘the global’ pervading many aspects of daily life, this has by no means resulted in a flat world of free and equal global citizens. Rather, frictions, disparities and inequalities abound. While often great hopes are attached to international governance regimes, global forms of scientific knowledge, large-scale industrial and agricultural technologies, and generic blueprints for socio-economic development and trade, their results in enhancing important objectives, such as dealing with our environment in a sustainable way or achieving equality, well-being or democratic self-determination, are mixed at best, with successes in some places and failures in others.

These mixed results warrant sustained critical scrutiny of on-going practices in governance, including the roles of knowledge, technology and communication in these. Interpretive approaches are crucial to deepen our understanding of the situated practices in which the global and the local meet, and to create innovative perspectives on what it might mean for policy to ‘do’ knowledge, technology and communication differently and to effectively address the challenges that our globalizing world faces.

Organizers of the 2014 IPA conference invite submissions that engage the theme, as well as proposals that engage other aspects of interpretive policy analysis.

Conference venue

The conference will be held in the Hof van Wageningen, a hotel and conference centre in the centre of Wageningen, a small city on the Lower Rhine, near Arnhem.

Hof van Wageningen Lawickse Allee 9 6701 AN Wageningen The Netherlands

Registration fee

Before 10 April 2014 Regular fee: € 275.00. Ph.D. student fee: € 175.00.

After 10 April 2014 For all participants: € 300.00.

Persons who are retired, unemployed, or working and living in one of the countries of the Global South may be eligible for a discount on the regular fee if registering before 10 April. Please e-mail inquiries no later than 3 April to



Communication, Philosophy and Technology Section, Wageningen University Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group, Wageningen University Public Administration and Policy Group, Wageningen University

Organising Committee (all at Wageningen University)

Severine van Bommel and Noelle Aarts: Communication, Philosophy and Technology Esther Turnhout: Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Art Dewulf: Public Administration and Policy

Advisory Board

Anna Durnová, University of Vienna (AT) Peter H. Feindt, University of Wageningen (NL) Frank Fischer, Rutgers University, New Jersey (USA)/Kassel (Germany) Herbert Gottweis, University of Vienna (AT) Steven Griggs, De Montfort University (UK) Navdeep Mathur, Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad, IND) Tamara Metze, Tilburg University (NL) Aletta Norval, University of Essex (UK) Merlijn van Hulst, Tilburg University (NL) Hendrik Wagenaar, University of Sheffield (UK) Dvora Yanow, Wageningen University (NL) and Keele University (UK) Philippe Zittoun, University of Lyon/IEP Grenoble (FR)

Call for panel, roundtable, and paper proposals

The organising committee welcomes proposals for full, paper-based panels, roundtables, and individual papers which engage the conference theme or Interpretive Policy Analysis more generally. The conference explicitly welcomes contributions from or about developing or transitional countries.

This year the organizing committee will follow a 1-step procedure with a single deadline for submission of all proposals: Friday, January 17, 2014.

Proposals will be accepted in one of these formats:

1. Full, paper-based panel (word limit: 1250)

A proposal for a full panel consists of the organizer’s name and contact information, the title and abstract of the panel, and the names and affiliations of at least 3 and at most 4 participants, with the titles and abstracts for each proposed paper. We prefer panels that include presenters from different countries and institutions over those from a single country, single institution or single project. We also encourage panel proposals that include a chair and a discussant (and their contact information). The organizer may fill one of these roles or be a paper author. In case of co-authored papers, please indicate which authors are planning to present the paper.

2. Roundtable and other non-traditional panel formats (word limit: 1000)

The conference encourages the use of innovative formats for interaction beyond traditional paper-based panels, such as roundtables that bring together a handful of participants to discuss various aspects of a single topic. Previous meetings have included “author meets readers” (or “author meets critics”) sessions in which panelists discuss recently published books, with the author present to respond. The IPA conference has also been developing a specialization in “practice panels” that bring together practitioners, such as policy-makers or politicians, and academics to explore and interpret a policy problem jointly. These panels seek to create a close interaction between practitioners and researchers leading to joint learning concerning interpretations of policy and research dilemmas and practices. We prefer roundtable and other non-traditional panel proposals that stipulate a session chair; the organiser may take this role and/or be one of the participants. Proposals should include the organizer’s name and contact information, the session title, a list of participants and their institutional affiliations, and an abstract describing the topic and explaining its relevance to the conference. We will consider proposals for a series of two or at most three panels or roundtables that address a shared theme. Each of these panels should have a distinct title but otherwise should follow the guidelines above (word limit for proposals with two panels: 2225; with three panels: 3225).

3. Individual paper (word limit: 400)

A proposal for a stand-alone paper should include the title and abstract, plus the contact details of the author(s). In case of co-authored papers, please indicate which authors are planning to present the paper. Accepted papers will be grouped together in panels by the organizing committee.

For all proposals:

· Please include a maximum of five keywords signaling theoretical focus, substantive topic (e.g., city planning, nature conservation, health), and method(s).

· Please label your submitted file with your last name and the type of submission you are making (e.g., Jones.full panel; Smith.roundtable; Belt.paper).

· Formatting: Word document, please, not a pdf file; 10-12 pitch font; double spaced.

Note: In an effort to increase the range of possible participation, participants in this year’s conference will be limited to 2 substantive program appearances (i.e., not counting service as chair or discussant).

In addition, organizers will accept no more than 3 panels or roundtables proposed by the same individual or group. All submissions should be made through the IPA 2014 website:

Proposals will be reviewed in a double blind peer review process by two reviewers selected by the organising committee on the basis of their theoretical, substantive and/or methodological focus. Decisions on proposals will be sent around at the end of February.

Methodology Workshops

Up to three conference sessions will be devoted to methodology workshops, which have become a regular feature of this conference. Following the approach employed in earlier conferences, these workshops build on the idea of a “master-class” in musical studies: in each session, two experienced researchers, specialists in different aspects of interpretive policy analysis, engage 2-3 researchers with less experience in those specific aspects (i.e., at any rank) to discuss issues the latter have encountered in the use of a particular methodological strategy or method in their research. The emphasis will be on methods-focused questions, with the research projects and the discussions treated as case studies from which, it is hoped, all attending the sessions might learn.

The goal of the workshops is to discuss questions about designing and conducting interpretive research and to exchange experiences concerning a range of relevant topics, such as discourse analysis, interviewing, and participant observation. The sessions, which will be facilitated, are fully incorporated into the regular conference program; and, as part of an effort to create a collaborative learning environment, they are open to all conference participants. The intention is to create a setting in which all those attending a Workshop session can benefit from focused interaction with more seasoned researchers. In past years, discussants have included such established figures in various fields of interpretive policy analysis as Hal Colebatch, Frank Fischer, Maarten Hajer, David Howarth, Navdeep Mathur, Aletta Norval, Cris Shore, Hendrik Wagenaar, Susan Wright, and Dvora Yanow.

Each presenter selected for participation will have 5 minutes in which to introduce her/his research project, pointing to particular methodological questions that have arisen in their research and/or field experiences, which they would like to explore in the workshop. The next 10 minutes are devoted to responses from the more experienced researchers, leading to a wider discussion involving others attending the session.

Proposals to participate in a workshop should include:

• your full name, institutional affiliation and email • title of your research project • your career stage (e.g., year of your PhD studies and year PhD dissertation defense is anticipated; or year of post-doc work and date PhD was received; or professorial rank) • a brief description of your research project, its methodological approach and the problem that you would like to discuss.

File labeling

Please label your submission ‘last name.Methodology Workshop proposal’.


Word document (not pdf ); 3 pages maximum, double-spaced (500-600 words)

All submissions should be made through the IPA 2014 website:

Preconference Course

Academic convenors

Merlijn van Hulst ( and Dvora Yanow (

For the fourth time, a day-long preconference course is being planned, to take place on Wednesday, 2 July 2014. As in years past, the morning session will be devoted to an introduction to interpretive thinking, situating interpretive policy analysis in the broader context of interpretive methodologies and methods. Three parallel sessions will be held in the afternoon, each focused on a topic within interpretive policy analysis, each with two instructors. Previous such sessions have focused on discourse analysis, ethnography, interviewing, and research design and involved such instructors as David Howarth, Steven Griggs, Aletta Norval, Merlijn van Hulst, Hendrik Wagenaar, Ruth Wodak, and Dvora Yanow.

This year’s program will be announced by the end of February via the conference webpage, 1 ECTS (course credit) will be awarded through the Wageningen School for Social Sciences (WASS).

Time 9.30 to 17.00 hrs, with coffee/tea and lunch breaks.


Registration for the course will open on the conference website when conference registration opens. Admission will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration and payment of course fee are requested by 10 April 2014. The course will take place only if there are at least 25 registered participants, who have paid the course fee, by that date. An announcement concerning the status of the course will be placed on the conference webpage by 15 April 2014. Participation in the course does not guarantee participation in the conference, and vice versa.

Fee (includes coffee/tea breaks and lunch)

For people who also register for the conference:

Before 10 April 2014: € 90.00 After 10 April 2014: € 110.00

For people who do not register for the conference:

Before 10 April 2014: € 110.00 After 10 April 2014: € 130.00

For questions

Please contact the academic conveners by sending an email to For questions about the methodology workshops, please mention ‘methodology workshop’ in the subject line. For questions about the pre-conference course, please mention ‘IPA pre- conference course’ in the subject line.

Visit the IPA 2014 website regularly for information about registration, venue, accommodation and travel.

We look forward to seeing you in Wageningen!

Severine van Bommel, Esther Turnhout, Art Dewulf and Noelle Aarts