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ECPR General Conference Bordeaux 4-7 September 2013 Section “Democratic Innovations” – Call for Papers, deadline 1 February 2013

The panel organizers like to cordially invite you to submit a paper proposal to one of the ten panels of the section “Democratic Innovations” at the ECPR General Conference Bordeaux 4-7 September 2013. You can find the panel list below and at the following URL, where you can also propose a paper: http://ecprnet.eu/Events/PanelList.aspx?EventID=5&SectionID=89 We and the panel chairs look forward to your proposals, Peter H. Feindt (Cardiff University) and Carsten Herzberg (University of Potsdam) (section chairs) Panel list: 1 Historicizing deliberative democracy (chair: Paula Cossart, co-chair: Sandra M. Gustafson, discussant: Julien Talpin) 2 What explains (the absence of) participatory reforms? (chair: Joan Font, co-chair: Brigitte Geissel, discussant: Graham Smith) 3 The quality of deliberation – Theory and empirical evidence (chair: Irena Fiket, co-chair: Stefania Ravazzi) 4 Learning from Each Other: Democratic Innovation Research and Quality of Democracy Measurements (chair: Brigitte Geissel, Goethe University Frankfurt, co-chair: Quinton Mayne) 5 Discussing the Relation between Social Movements and Deliberative Democracy: Is there Countervailing Power in Europe? (chair: Carsten Herzberg, co-chair: Graham Smith, discussant: Giovanni Allegretti) 6 Mapping and measuring deliberative processes: Macro-micro interfaces (chair: André Bächtiger, co-chair: John Parkinson, University of Warwick) 7 Democratic Innovations through Direct Democracy: What is the Relation between Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy? (chair: Zoltán Tibor Pállinger, co-chair: Theo Schiller) 8 Roundtable on Democratic Innovation Research: The theoretical, methodological and practical challenges of the past, present and future (chair: Peter H. Feindt, co-chair: Mark Bevir) 9 Direct and Deliberative Democracy (chair: Norbert Kersting) 10 Democratic Innovation and Theories of Political Representation (chair: Samuel Hayat, co-chair: Charles Girard, discussant: Yves Sintomer)

Dr Peter H. Feindt Reader Director of Postgraduate Research Co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning - Included in Thomson Reuters JCR from 2011: www.tandf.co.uk/journals/cjoe


Climate Change Governance: Law, Risk Management, and Decision Making Hosted by University of California, Davis

Call for Submissions Law and Social Science Program National Science Foundation Workshop

Climate Change Governance: Law, Risk Management, and Decision Making Hosted by University of California, Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center Incline Village, Nevada June 20-21, 2013

There may be no greater risk facing human societies than that posed by climate change. And yet, our understanding of how to collectively best respond is limited, and knowledge is fragmented across disciplinary boundaries. Our workshop will seek to initiate deeper discussion of climate change around the concept of governance by bridging across a diverse group of scholars. Our goal is to share different disciplinary perspectives and to work on common problems. The broader impacts of this workshop will include the creation of an ongoing community of scholars, possibly in the form of a collaborative research network, to carry on dialogue about how to align scholarship across disciplines, levels, and across the academic and policy/practical/public realms.

Given that climate change crosses many conventional boundaries and jurisdictions of law, regulation, and government and challenges the expectations that many hold regarding proper modes of “governance” we have planned the workshop around three themes. The first will consider how to construct and align modes of governance across differing societal levels or “scales” from individual to community, community to region, region to nation, and nations to global institutions. The second theme concerns fragmentation of contemporary “expert knowledge” on climate change, law, regulation, and governance and the associated lack of interaction across disciplines. We will consider how social scientific theory, methods, and empirical research might be brought into a more productive dialogue across disciplinary and scholarly boundaries. Third, we plan to devote attention the problem of social science’s role in addressing and planning for climate change in public and policy settings. This is a problem of practice.

Workshop Format and Submission Process We are soliciting those scholars interested in participating in a forward-looking conversation reaching across disciplinary boundaries to further our advancing our understanding of governance and climate change. Interested applicants should provide a 300 word abstract describing a related research concept that they are currently developing or considering. These research concept statements should be linked to at least one of the three problem areas: scale, expert knowledge, and theory/practice. Research concept statements must be submitted to the workshop organizers by December 15, 2012.

Organizers Ryken Grattet, Sociology, UC Davis and the Public Policy Institute of California (rtgrattet@ucdavis.edu) Debbie Niemeier, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Davis (dniemeier@ucdavis.edu) Thomas Beamish, Sociology, UC Davis (tdbeamish@ucdavis.edu) URL: https://sites.google.com/a/ucdavis.edu/climate-change-and-governance-workshop


Role of Analytical Tools within the Policy Formulation Process.

Applications are invited for fully funded places in a small, research-intensive workshop examining the Role of Analytical Tools within the Policy Formulation Process.

Over the last few decades, policy analysts and researchers have developed many analytical tools to collect, condense, sift and make sense of policy relevant knowledge. The most well known tools include monetary assessment (e.g. Cost-Benefit Analysis), scenarios, participatory tools, multi-criteria analysis, indicators, as well as computer models and risk assessment techniques, and have been designed to inform the policy formulation process. But in spite of more than three decades of social science research showing just how complex is the relationship between evidence and policy-making, and many attempts by officials, politicians and researchers to extol their use, we lack a comprehensive understanding of when, where and why certain tools are used and what effect - if any - they have on policy outputs and outcomes.

The broad aim of this workshop is to address these gaps from different disciplinary perspectives. It will examine: how various tools are selected and combined, and by whom, in different venues; how institutional, cultural and organisational contexts shape tool use; how the influence of tools on policy may be addressed; and how far tool use can be explained using theories and methods of public policy, political science, regulation, public administration, evidence use and evaluation.

This field of research seems is in need of consolidation. Significant academic and practitioner networks have formed around particular tools but these tend to be disconnected from one another. Many have a strong normative core to them and/or focus on developing typologies and 'how to' guides. Similarly, there are extensive literatures around the many policy 'venues' where evidence generally may be fed in to policy processes, such as policy appraisal, parliamentary committees, scientific commissions and foresight type exercises, but they tend not to directly examine the way in which analytical tools are used. Overall, relatively little is known about how the various tools and venues intersect, both in theory and, more importantly, in practice. There is not even a common set of definitions of the main tools: for Hood and Margetts they are 'detector' tools; for Howlett they are "policy formulation" tools; for others they fall under the heading of a much broader category of "decision support tools". There are numerous 'textbook' accounts of how these tools should function, but they tend to skirt over the issues arising when they are used in practice.

The immediate aim of the workshop, which will take place in London in c. March 2013, is to share ideas and produce a significant joint publication (i.e. an edited book or similar); in the medium term it could evolve into an enduring network of researchers who aspire to develop joint funding ideas and many other publication plans.

We invite proposals for original papers to be presented at the workshop, and ultimately considered as part of the joint publication. Please send a 500 word abstract to Alfie Kirk (A.Kirk@uea.ac.uk), carefully explaining how it fits in with the aims and objectives of the workshop. Reasonable expenses will be met. The deadline for applications is 10 December 2012, after which a decision on the workshop invitations will swiftly follow.

Papers which adopt a broadly comparative perspective (e.g. examining the selection and use of different tools in one venue or vice versa; cross sectoral or cross-national studies etc.) are especially welcome, as are those that seek to link theory and novel empirical work.

Organisers: Professor Andy Jordan and Dr. John Turnpenny, Tyndall centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

~ Professor Andrew J. Jordan School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom


Call for panels: International Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference (IPA) 2013: Societies in Conflict: Experts, Publics and Democracy (submit before November 30, 2012)

The Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna together with the Life-Science-Governance Research Platform (LSG), the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW) Institute of Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) hosts the 8th International Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference under the title "Societies in Conflict: Experts, Publics and Democracy".

Call for panels: Please submit your panel proposal at ipa2013@univie.ac.at by 30th November 2012 Affairs such as Stuttgart 21, the ‘Occupy movement’s’ response to the financial crisis, ecological problems, or diverse controversies around novel technologies, are timely examples of conflicts between groups of publics and the political establishment. Such movements put into question the status of legitimate knowledge and the articulation of legitimate representation. They question, at the same time, routine operations of traditional democratic institutions, and reintroduce the question of how to define “the political” and “politics” in general. The 8th continuation of the IPA conference gives therefore a special focus to the intersection of policy analysis with Science and Technology Studies (STS) by highlighting the relation between publics and experts around one of the fundamental keywords of politics: “conflict”. We conceive conflicts as constellations of knowledge and power, in which diverse actors are gathered around values, meanings and practices. The complexity of current policy issues and the institutional ambiguity create a demand for new forms of dealing with conflicts. They also invite us to study formats, in which the meaning of expertise and citizen participation can be renegotiated in performative manners. Rearticulating policy settings along the relation between experts and publics is one of the main challenges of current research on democracy, governance and policy practices. Actors increasingly establish their positions through argumentations or performances, while the increased need for public acknowledgment recasts the issue of citizen’s participation or the framing of “experts”. These ideas are not entirely new: interpretive policy analysts have investigated mechanisms through which knowledge becomes the central device of power, creates institutions and governs them and/or legitimizes agendas of policy actors. In a similar vein, STS scholars have shown that scientific knowledge can legitimize political agendas or block them. Towards that end, they have investigated, how “experts” get their status and how they shape and are shaped by “publics”. By debating and analyzing the shape of diverse “publics”, they have also launched the question of whose knowledge counts as legitimate in specific time and place. In the last decades, questions like these have regained the interest in both policy analysis and STS. How do we think about the study of conflicts through interpretive lenses? What aspects do we consider both as analysts and practitioners, when facing conflicts and controversies in environmental, urban, planning or health care policies? In how far do the current policy debates force us to rethink, what we mean by “political” and “politics”? What is the role or function of policy analysis and analysts in times of multiple crises? These are some of the pending issues that will be addressed at the IPA conference 2013. We therefore welcome proposals for panels that reconsider the relationship between publics and experts and engage one or more of the following themes: • Questioning of traditional models of government, administration and policy-making in response to the relationship between experts and publics. • Theoretical reflections on the ontological dimension of a “conflict”: investigating the meaning of “politics” and “the political”. • The intersection of STS approaches with particular theoretical or philosophical approach (e.g. pragmatism, hermeneutics, post-structuralism, etc.). • The role of performativity and engagement in policymaking and democratic governance • Case studies from particular policy issue arenas that deal with “conflict” (e.g. the new challenges of environmental politics; bio-politics; local governance; asylum or immigration policy; food policy; urban and regional planning; issues of risk and novelty). • Interpretive perspectives on community conflict resolution practices; policy evaluation; leadership; network organizations; and other public management questions. • The relationship between practitioners and policy analysis. • Clarification of approaches in use (e.g. varieties of discourse analysis or narrative analyses; the role of rhetoric and metaphor, the role of arguments, the role of emotions). • Methodological issues in doing critical policy analysis (e.g. reflexivity in policy analytic practices; getting, and using, feedback from ‘informants’; issues in using new recording technologies; data collection and analysis; evaluating software programs). Panel proposals should have no more than 500 words and should contain a theme, a rationale for the session, and a brief discussion of its contribution to the IPA community. Proposals should list a chairperson and names of all organizers of the panel, including institutional affiliations and (electronic) addresses. Panel proposals should be based on the assumption of 1½-hour time slots with fifteen minutes per presentation. Please submit your panel proposal at ipa2013@univie.ac.at by 30th November 2012 Note: After the notification about acceptance of the panel, a call for papers will be launched, to which scholars can respond. A limited number of free-floating papers will be accepted.

General information on IPA 2013 Interpretive research in the study of politics represents a leading challenge to positivism and scientism in the name of a methodological pluralism that is sensitive to meaning, historical and social context, and the importance of human subjectivity. Important revisions of policy analysis in its linguistic, argumentative or practice turns have promoted recent research in the field. These concepts and streams have shown to which extent politics and policy practices are governed and shaped by discourse. The Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna together with the Life-Science-Governance Research Platform (LSG), the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW) Institute of Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) hosts the 8th International Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference under the title "Societies in Conflict: Experts, Publics and Democracy". The IPA conference is an annual meeting of researchers and practitioners from around the world. Its 8th continuation gives a special focus to the intersection of policy analysis with Science and Technology Studies (STS) by highlighting the relation between publics and experts around one of the fundamental keywords of politics: “conflict”. How do we think of the study of conflicts through interpretive lenses? What are current societal challenges of politics and how do these challenges shape the general understanding of democracy, expertise and power? What implications can we derive for policy analysis, when investigating conflicts and controversies in environmental, urban, or health care policies? How are these implications handled in the field of science and technology studies, and what can policy analysis learn from this scholarly work? The IPA plenary sessions and panels are aimed at rethinking and debating the theory and practice of different methods of interpretation and critical explanation in policy analysis, in particular the relation of policy expertise to publics and democratic governance.


Call for papers PUBLIC SECTOR RESPONSES TO GLOBAL CRISIS, XVII IRSPM Conference, Prague, 10-12 April 2013

Call for papers PUBLIC SECTOR RESPONSES TO GLOBAL CRISIS: New challenges for politics and public management? Hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic We would like to invite you to join us in 2013, 10-12 April at the XVII IRSPM conference in Prague. In March 2012, the majority of the EU member states approved the Treaty on Fiscal Responsibility. Worldwide, not only developed, but also developing and transitional countries are struggling with public finance problems, such as excessive public deficits, accumulated sovereign debts and lack of resources for development. Many countries have cut spending and raised taxes, but such austerity policies are especially risky when growth is hard to achieve. The aim of this conference is to address the following questions: What are the main challenges public managers face today? How to respond to new needs and demands? The 2013 IRSPM conference is expected to bring together academics and practitioners from different world regions addressing issues related to the topic of the conference. KEY DATES AND DEADLINES: • 1 October 2012: Closing date for abstract submissions • 16 November 2012: Early bird registration opens • 30 November 2012: Authors notified of outcome of thein abstract submission • 31 January 2013: Early bird registration closes • 10 March 2013: Closing date for paper upload, Online registration closes • 10 April 2013: Onsite registration opens - conference starts • 10 -12 April 2013: IRSPM 2013 conference activities GUIDELINES FOR ABSTRACTS Paper abstracts should propose papers for the approved panels or for the open panel. They should clearly identify the panel titles. They must address one or more aspects of the approved panel for which they are proposed. Abstracts should be submitted directly to the panel chairs via their email contact (follow the section "List of panels" on the conference website - www.irspm2013.com) and a copy ought to be sent (i.e. add cc) to the conference e-mail (irspm2013@econ.muni.cz). Abstracts for the open track should be submitted directly to the conference e-mail (irspm2013@econ.muni.cz) and a copy ought to be sent to the e-mail juraj.nemec@umb.sk. We would like to kindly ask the authors of the paper abstracts to follow the Guildelines for abstracts which are available on the conference website. CONTACT INFORMATION: Faculty of Economics and Administration Lipova 41a | Brno | Czech Republic e-mail: irspm2013@econ.muni.cz website: www.irspm2013.com


Europeanization of Public Policy Conference, organized by the Croation Association of Political Science and Institute of Public Policy, Dubrovnik, 7-9 April, 2013

The main issue to be analysed during the conference would be Europeanization of public administration and public policy, especially in Central and Eastern European countries. The organizers, chaired by Professor Ivan Kopric (University of Zagreb, Croatia), propose to plan some 40-45 participants (50 as a maximum), with two streams dealing with public administration and public policy issues in the European context. The two streams will not be separated, but interwoven, in order for all of us to be able to attend all the panels (instead of just a selection) and to listen, to discuss, and to learn from each other. More information will be coming soon, in the next Newsletter.


XVII IRPSM Conference, 10-12 April 2013, in Prague


CHAIRS: Menno Fenger (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) Perri 6 (Nottingham Trent University, UK)///

PANEL DESCRIPTION: Reasons that the panel should be included The current global economic and financial crisis arose initially, in large part, from unintended and unexpected consequences of government policies, such as the creation of the Euro. It has been deepened by unintended or unexpected consequences of measures taken in response. Neither economic nor public management theories have adequately predicted the consequences of, for example, austerity, bail-outs, banking integration or export promotion policies. Most literature on unintended consequences of policies is still descriptive; many articles focus on a single case study; too many studies still describe outcomes as unintended without examining what policymakers did actually intend. Some writers identify dynamics but argue fatalistically that systemic unpredictability is too deep and unintended consequences are so ubiquitous that we cannot reliably identify patterns in explanation. The relative importance of biased intentions and of system responses to policy actions in explaining unintended outcomes is too little understood. This panel seeks to move beyond these limitations, to assemble a suite of papers which will enable us to develop and compare causal mechanisms, dynamics and models for explaining both welcome and unwelcome unintended consequences of governmental responses to the economic and financial crisis, and their interactions.

E-MAIL CONTACTS: fenger@fsw.eur.nl, perri.6@ntu.ac.uk The deadline for abstract submissions is October, 1st 2012.


ECPR General Conference Bordeaux

The IPSA Research Committee on Comparative Public Policy has proposed a section on “Policy Design and Policy Change: Time Strategies and Leadership”, as part of the Academic Programme for the ECPR’S 8th General Conference hosted by Sciences Po, Bordeaux. We would like to invite you to submit a panel proposal for this section before 6th October (please see below for more detailson how this should be done):

Section Title: Policy Design and Policy Change: Time Strategies and Leadership

Section chairs are Giliberto Capano (Professor, University of Bologna-Forli) and Michael Howlett (Professor, Simon Fraser University) – both executive members of IPSA RC30

Section Abstract:

Policy change can occur accidently or as a result of a conscious process. Thelen, Hacker and others have noted several common routes or mechanisms through which change occurs, such as “layering”, “conversion”, “drift” and “replacement”. While studies of policy design have typically focused on ‘replacement’, in which an entirely new set of goals and means replaces an older one or, in the case of a novel policy area, creates an initial regime, it is also the case that other processes such as layering – in which new goals and means are added to existing ones , conversion – in which new actors and ideas are injected into old forms, and ‘drift’ - in which old policies are allowed to become estranged from their original purposes to serve new ones – are all capable of conscious manipulation and design. Panels in this section are intended to explore these change processes and the leadership strategies involved in their conscious use to affect policy change. Papers will provide empirical case studies of change and design processes as well as examine conceptual aspects of the subject.


Roskilde University Sunrise Conference, 29-31 October 2012

Roskilde University Sunrise Conference 2012 Conveners of the Roskilde University Sunrise Conference 2012 are pleased to invite you to participate in the annual Sunrise Conference on ‘Transforming Governance, Enhancing Innovation’ to be held in Roskilde, Denmark on October 29-31, 2012. Rising expectations, fiscal constraints and the growing number of wicked problems and policy deadlocks spur the need for public innovation. Public and private actors must interact and collaborate in order to define problems and challenges, generate creative ideas and build ownership to new and bold solutions. Enhancing public innovation through multi-actor collaboration requires a profound transformation of the public sector. Elements associated with New Public Management need to be rethought and downplayed, whereas new elements associated with New Public Governance, Public Value Management, the Neo-Weberian state, Public Service Motivation etc. must be expanded. The conference seeks answer to the question of how this can be done: How can we transform the public sector in order to enhance innovation? The conference will have three streams: One for researchers, one for practitioners and one for students. The three streams will run in parallel, but will come together on the last day of the conference. The research track is organized as a regional conference of the IRSPM. The conference combines keynote speeches of distinguished scholars in publicadministration, governance and management with parallel panel sessions. Keynote speakers: - Professor Robert Agranoff, University of Indiana - Professor Jean Hartley, University of Warwick - Professor Donald P. Moynihan, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Professor Mirko Noordegraaf, Utrecht University - Professor Stephen Osborne, University of Edinburgh - Professor B. Guy Peters, University of Pittsburg - Professor Eva Sørensen, Roskilde University - Professor Jacob Torfing, Roskilde University In the panels we welcome conceptual, theoretical and empirical papers dealing with public innovation and the needs and prospects for transforming public administration and governance. Cambridge Scholars Publishing has expressed interest in publishing the conference papers in two anthologies, of course provided that the contributions meet the Publisher’s high academic criteria and that the output can be assembled in a coherent whole. Panel titles: - Participation and Civic Engagement in Public Innovation - Network Governance and Policy Innovation - Innovation of Health Policies and Services - New Roles for Politicians & Public Administrators in Collaborative Innovation Processes - Digitalization as a Driver of Public Innovation - Social Entrepreneurship in Public Innovation - Enhancing Innovation in Complex Organizations - Reforming Accountability and Value-for-Money Systems - Transformative Learning for Public Innovation To submit an abstract for a conference paper to be presented at any one of these nine panel tracks on governance and innovation, please visit the conference website: www.sunrise.ruc.dk Abstracts must be submitted by 15 September 2012. We are looking forward to receiving your scholarly contribution and meeting you in Roskilde in October! The Roskilde University Sunrise Conference Secretariat Building 24.2, Universitetsvej 4 , 4000 Roskilde, DENMARK Email: ahkrogh@ruc.dk


DOES LANGUAGE MATTER? Conference at University of Bergen, 25 October 2012

The conference "DOES LANGUAGE MATTER? Different Voices, Different Stories: Perspectives on Language Use in Climate Change Text and Talk" will take place at the University of Bergen, on Thursday 25 October 2012 followed by a workshop for PhD candidates and master students on Friday 26 October 2012.


"Too hot to handle? Climate change communication and its public response"

Marianne Ryghaug, professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, NTNU, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies (CenSES)

"A Nelson Mandela Approach to the Polarization of Global Warming"
Samuel George Philander, Knox Taylor Professor of Geosciences, Princeton
University and Research Director of ACCESS (African Centre for Climate and Earth

System Science), Cape Town

Preliminary registration to conference coordinator Anje Müller Gjesdal: anje.gjesdal@uib.no

Students and PhDs: free
For the workshop 26 October:
The topics of the conference will be followed up by the organisers in collaboration with professor Marianne Ryghaug and Dr Michael Jones in a one day workshop for 15 -20 PhD candidates/ master students. On the basis of submitted abstracts, 6 –-8 participants will get the opportunity to present and discuss their work.
Deadline for submission of abstract (approx. 500 words): 31 August 2012
To be sent to coordinator Anje Müller Gjesdal: anje.gjesdal@uib.no with copies to Kjersti Fløttum (kjersti.flottum@if.uib.no) and Trine Dahl (trine.dahl@nhh.no)


Conference 25/10 and workshop for Master/Phds 26/10-2012 on climate communication in Bergen, Norway

The conference "DOES LANGUAGE MATTER? Different Voices, Different Stories: Perspectives on Language Use in Climate Change Text and Talk" will take place at the University of Bergen, on Thursday 25 October 2012 followed by a workshop for PhD candidates and master students on Friday 26 October 2012.

You are all warmly welcome.

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"Transforming Governance, Enhancing Innovation" - Call for Papers

Roskilde University Sunrise Conference 2012 "Transforming Governance, Enhancing Innovation"

October 29-31, 2012

Conveners of the Roskilde University Sunrise Conference 2012 is pleased to invite you to participate in the annual Sunrise Conference on ‘Transforming governance, enhancing innovation’ to be held in Roskilde, Denmark on October 29-31, 2012.

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CALL FOR PAPERS – Regulation and Governance Conference, Cambridge

You are invited to submit your abstract for a paper to be presented at the 4th Cambridge International Regulation and Governance Conference: MORE REGULATION OR BETTER STEWARDSHIP? OPTIMISING THE MEANS AND ENDS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE, to be held at Queens College, University of Cambridge, 06 September 2012, plus optional pre-conference dinner session on the evening of 05 September 2012.

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Conference: transforming governance, enhancing innovation

Conveners of the Roskilde University Sunrise Conference 2012 is pleased to invite you to participate in the annual Sunrise Conference on 'Transforming governance, enhancing innovation' to be held in Roskilde, Denmark on October 29-31, 2012.

The conference will explore how public administration and governance can be transformed in order to enhance innovation in public services and policy. Rising expectations, fiscal constraints and the growing number of wicked problems and policy deadlocks spur the need for public innovation. Public and private actors must interact and collaborate in order to define problems and challenges, generate creative ideas and build ownership to new and bold solutions.

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conference on integrated policy in multilevel system

Call for papers on “Integrated employment and activation policies in a multilevel welfare system” Organized in the framework of the EU FP7-project LOCALISE (www.localise-research.eu)

Milano, August 30-31, 2012

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Program for the Speyer conference on public administration, 19-20 July 2012

Here is the full program for the conference on Converging and Conflicting Trends in the Public Administration of the US, Europe, and Germany, hosted by the German Research Institute for Public Administration (GRIP) Speyer, Germany and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) of Indiana University, to be held at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Germany;

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Participation Professionals: a research/practice conversation

At the Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference 2012 (5-7 July 2012, University of Tilburg, Netherlands), there will be a research/practice conversation on the policy work of public engagement practitioners, convened by Koen Bartels (University of Glasgow) and Oliver Escobar (University of Edinburgh). For more information,

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Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change

The Berlin Conference Steering Committee and its partners invite papers for this year’s ‘Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change ’. The 2012 conference, which will be held in Berlin from 5-6 October, 2012, will be the 11th event in the series of annual European Conferences. With this year’s conference theme “Evidence for Sustainable Development” we address the knowledge basis of political decisions required for sustainable development, the construction of evidence, and the ways evidence is used in decision-making.

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Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference July 2012 - Call for Papers

7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN INTERPRETIVE POLICY ANALYSIS Understanding the drama of democracy: policy work, power and transformation

Thursday July 5 – Saturday July 7, 2012, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.

Conference website: www.ipa2012.org

Paper proposals Deadline January 31, 2012 Please submit through the website (500 words max.)

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Shaping innovation in governance? Conference, Berlin, 31 May – 1 June 2012. CALL FOR PAPERS –

Shaping innovation in governance? Inducements, opportunities and limitations for engaging with governance in the making 31 May – 1 June 2012, Berlin

The Third Berlin Forum Innovation in Governance is pivoted on the question of whether and how innovations in governance can be deliberately shaped. This suggests a focus on the relation between knowledge and politics in processes of advancing new forms of governance. More specifically, we are interested in discussing the relation between, on the one hand, a discourse of innovation in governance, theoretical models of change, the articulation of designs and strategies, and, on the other hand, the agency of innovation, actual practices of forging alliances, softening established orders, configuring and evaluating new arrangements, and linking up with broader transformation processes as they unfold. The Forum will open with a public keynote dialogue between Frank Fischer (Rutgers University) and Andrew Stirling (University of Sussex) on challenges of innovating governance for sustainable development.

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