RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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Public Management Conference, Ottawa, April 2014

Proposals for papers are invited for the International Research Society for Public Management Annual Conference, to be held at School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa Canada, April 9-11, 2014, on the theme ‘Intersections: Governance, Democracy, Accountability’

Abstracts are due by November 1st 2013

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Call for proposals for the ECPR Joint Sessions 2015

For those who are good at planning ahead, the ECPR invites you to submit your proposal for the 2015 Joint Sessions, to be held from 29 March – 2 April 2015at the University of Warsaw

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CFP for panel at IPSA Montreal on Arctic governance

Global governance, state and regulatory regimes in the Arctic region

Co-Chair: Dr. Petra Dolata Discussant: Prof. Nina Belyaeva

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Call for Papers panel on Ideational Policy Post Financial Crisis IPSA Montreal July 2014

Why Austerity? Ideational Policy Innovation through the Financial Crisis

We invite paper proposals concerned with this theme.

Chair: Bryan Evans, Ryerson University b1evans@politics.ryerson.ca

           Co-chair:       Steve McBride, McMaster University mcbride@mcmaster.ca

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CFP - paanel on networks and policy, IPSA Montreal July 2014

A panel om 'The reciprocal influence of policies and administrative networks is being organised for IPSA, and abstracts are now invited. They should be submitted by 7 October, both to IPSA and to either of the C0-Chairs.

Chair: Dr. Eva Ruffing, University of Hannover (e.ruffing@ipw.uni‐hannover.de) Co‐Chair: Jun.‐Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder, University of Düsseldorf (eva.heidbreder@hhu.de) Discussant: Prof. Dr. Per Lægreid, University of Bergen (per.lagreid@aorg.uib.no)

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CFP workshop on policy failure Singapore February 2014


Research Workshop on “Policy Failure”

February 19-21, 2014

National University of Singapore

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ECPR Conference Glasgow September 2014: Call for Sections

The ECPR has invited proposals for sections at its General Conference. If your institution is a full member of the ECPR, you can propose a section, with an abstract of 1000 words, by 15 November. In early December, the call for panels and individual papers will be opened.

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CFP from SOG for IPSA Montreal

SOG is the IPSA Research Committee on Structure and Organization of Government (RC 27). It has called for 250-word abstracts for paper proposals for the panels that it is organising at IPSA in July 2014.

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CFP Public administration conference Budapest May 2014

We would like to invite you to the 22nd NISPAcee Annual Conference "Government vs. Governance in Central and Eastern Europe”, May 22-24, 2014 / Budapest, Hungary.

DEADLINE for applications with paper proposals: October 15, 2013

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Call for panels - public management conference - Ottawa April 2014


International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Eighteenth Annual Conference

April 9 -11, 2014 – Ottawa, Canada

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University

in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration

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Public Management conference 2014


International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Eighteenth Annual Conference

April 9 -11, 2014 – Ottawa, Canada

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration

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Call for Abstracts, conference on 'Public Policy in the 'Asian Century', Melbourne, Australia

The Melbourne School of Government is pleased to invite you to our first annual Public Policy in the ‘Asian Century’ Conference exploring the theme of ‘Advancing Opportunities, Meeting Challenges, Preparing for Change’

9-10 December 2013 The Langham 1 Southgate Ave, Southbank Melbourne, VIC Australia

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Summer School in Social Science Research Methods - Singapore 8-19 July 2013

IPSA and the National University of Singapore’s Department of Political Science are proud to present the 2nd Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods, which runs from July 8 to 19, 2013. IPSA’s mission is to promote empirical research in political science and related disciplines around the world, and the IPSA-NUS Methods Summer School forms the Asia-Pacific hub in a global network of schools on methods, with other summer schools hosted at the University of São Paulo and the University of Stellenbosch.

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CFP: Public Values and Politico-Administrative Cultures: Russian and International Contexts

nternational Seminar,” St. Petersburg, Russia, 21-22 June 2013 contact values. Coordinators: Leonid Smorgunov (St.Petersburg State University), Jeremy Lewis (Huntingdon College) and Rosamund Thomas (Cambridge University)

IPSA RC 48-Administrative Culture together with the Russian Association of Political Science cordially invite you to submit proposals for the seminar “Public Values and Politico-Administrative Cultures: Russian and International Contexts”, which will be held in the Saint-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia on June 21- 22, 2012.

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“Comparative public policy” has become a much used term and practice in recent years. It is not clear, however, whether and to what extent academics and practitioners have exploited methods of comparison to their full potential. In collaboration with KULeuven, the JCPA-Journal and ICPA-Forum, which have raised comparative public policy analysis on the scholarly agenda more than a decade ago, seek to open a dialogue and discuss advances in comparative research design, policy analysis, construction and validation of comparative knowledge of manipulable policies, programs and policy institutions. This two-days conference addresses the question of how academics practice methods of comparison; as well, it seeks to generate an advanced understanding of the methods of comparison used by national governments and international institutions.

Location: KULeuven, Belgium 27-30 November 2013

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Call for papers - Technology and Organisation

EGPA 2013 11 - 13 September 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland

Permanent Study Group: Public Administration, Technology & Innovation (PATI) Call for papers: Technology & Organization

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Panel proposal for IPA 2013

Citizen engagement in the risk apparatus: Exploring the role of knowledge representations, scientific methods and technological devices Chairperson: Professor Aletta J. Norval Department of Government, University of Essex, UK, alett@essex.ac.uk Co-organiser: Dr Elpida Prasopoulou Department of Government, University of Essex, UK, elpidap@essex.ac.uk

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Call for papers – panel on The Dynamics of Escalation in Policy Conflict - at IPA 2013 in Vienna.

This panel brings together interpretive studies on escalation dynamics in policy conflicts. Escalation is a key dynamic-along with stalemate, and settlement-and the one that holds the key to the volatility of many policy issues. Yet it is often neglected within the field of interpretative policy analysis. Stalemate has received attention in Schön and Rein's work on intractable policy controversies. Settlement is addressed in work on policy negotiation, for example by John Forrester and others.

Panel Chairs:

Dr. Imrat Verhoeven i.verhoeven@uva.nl Dr. David Laws Dr. Tamara Metze Dr. Merlijn van Hulst

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CALL FOR PAPERS XV World Economy Meeting University of Cantabria, Santander - Spain 5-7 June 2013

The World Economy Society is now inviting proposals for paper and poster presentations at the annual World Economy Meeting, to be held at the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain between 5th and 7th June, 2013. The over-riding theme of the meeting is Shifting Wealth in the World Economy.

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University of Bologna, workshop ON POLICY LEADERSHIP and POLICY DESIGN

Please forward paper proposals (titles with 300 word abstracts) for this section to Giliberto CAPANO (giliberto.capano@unibo.it) before Feb 1, 2013


 *   giliberto Capano, University of Bologna, Italy, giliberto.capano@unibo.it<mailto:howlett@sfu.ca>


 Leadership (conceived as the most important form of agency) is a fundamental driver of all the aspects of policy dynamics. However one of the less investigated dimensions is exactly the relationship between leadership and policy design. Policy design is a complex process which can be conceived as a rationalistic attempt to develop efficient and effective policies through the application of knowledge although it is continuously affected by cognitive bias and symbolic disputes. So the way towards optimal policy is is full of hurdles. This is because policy design needs to be steered and so the role of leaders (in broader sense) can make the difference for the final result. Thus papers of this panel should address the under-investigated role of leadership in policy design both from the theoretical and empirical point of views. Empirical papers should have a comparative perspective while theoretical papers should deal with the issue by clearly focusing on who policy leaders are, which role they can play, which resources they have, in which stage of the policy design process they can make the difference

Giliberto Capano Professor of Political Science and Public Policy CHAIR of the Committee on Research and Training, International Political Science Association

Department of Political and Social Sciences School of Political Sciences University of Bologna at Forlì via Giacomo della Torre, 1 47100 Forlì - Italy

email: giliberto.capano@unibo.it<mailto:giliberto.capano@unibo.it> phone: 0039.0543374180 mobile phone: 0039.335407496

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