Panel T05P08 - Comparative Analysis of Public-Private Partnerships

Chair: Joshua Newman, Flinders University, Australia


Deadline for submission: 30 January 2016

To submit a paper proposal:



- Paper proposals should be submitted through the Conference website.
- Papers must be original work and in English.

- An abstract of the paper proposal should have a maximum of 500 words.


Panel Description:


Public-private partnerships have become an accepted, almost standard, method of procurement for infrastructure development and public service delivery in many countries. However, despite claims of benefits such as improved efficiency and risk transfer, public-private partnerships remain controversial policy instruments. Consequently, there has been much public debate in most jurisdictions, and the general popularity of public-private partnerships is still uncertain.


In light of this ongoing debate, there are many questions that are left unanswered. Why do governments continue to pursue public-private partnerships? How have governments learned from international examples of success and failure, if at all? Is an international best practice emerging? Is there a difference between the motivations, procurement practices, and methods of implementation of public-private partnerships in developed and developing countries? This panel welcomes papers that address these and other questions related to international trends in public-private partnerships. The emphasis will be on international comparison, but case studies of particular countries are equally welcome.