27Sep 2011
Transatlantic Dialogue of EGPA and ASPA
16:05 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
The Transatlantic Dialogues are a joint initiative of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). They are small, high-quality conferences with a maximum number of participants.
The 2012 Transatlantic Dialogue will be hosted by Radboud University Nijmegen on 7-9 June 2012 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, with the theme 'Transitions in Governance’, and there will be six workshops:
Workshop 1: New public governance: complex systems and networks
Workshop 2: Avoiding, managing, and shifting blame: Accountability processes in modern day government
Workshop 3: Leadership qualities, perceptions, and actions: Who is doing what, when and how?
Workshop 4: Social risks and the role of the state
Workshop 5: Multiple partners at multiple levels: Multi level governance
Workshop 6: The regulatory paradigm: Challenges and innovations in regulatory governance
Abstracts must be submitted to the conference organisation (8tad@fm.ru.nl) by 10 January 2012.
For more detailed information about the workshops and the conference, please visit our website www.8tad.org.
Co-chairs: Taco Brandsen (Radboud University Nijmegen) Patria Julnes (University of Baltimore)
Local organizing team: Marieke van Genugten Jan-Kees Helderman Marlies Honingh Sandra Resodihardjo Michiel de Vries
From: Raul Lejano <rplejano@yahoo.com> _