New Issue Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy

The Policy Studies Organization and Berkeley Electronic Press are pleased to announce the following new issue of Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy.

Guest Editor: Brian J. Gerber Editorials

Guest Editor's Introduction: Assessing the Complex and Multidimensional Characteristics of Evacuation Incidents

Brian J. Gerber


An Inventory and Assessment of Models Used to Predict Emergency Evacuation and Consideration of Increasing Policymaker Involvement

Carol Abel Lewis

Shelter-in-Place versus Evacuation Decision Making: A Systematic Approach for Healthcare Facilities

Dennis Zaenger, Natasha Efrat, Robert R. Riccio, and Kelly Sanders

Understanding Public Response to Nuclear Power Plant Protective Actions

Fotini Walton and Brian Wolshon

Chronic Disease as an Evacuation Impediment: Using a Geographic Information System and 911 Call Data after Katrina to Determine Neighborhood Scale Health Vulnerability

Andrew Curtis

Estimating and Mapping the Direct Flood Fatality Rate for Flooding in Greater New Orleans Due To Hurricane Katrina

Ezra C. Boyd

Management of Evacuee Ingress during Disasters: Identifying the Determinants of Local Government Capacity and Preparedness

Brian J. Gerber


Proceedings of the PSO, New Series no. 11

Daniel I. Gutierrez-Sandoval About this journal

In an era of crisis, hazards, and disasters, much attention has been paid to techniques for predicting risks and managing crises. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy looks at the larger picture, to study the ways that societies measure and understand risk in the first place, how policies ought to address risks, and how risks become crises. Risk and crisis raise fundamental policy questions with broad social science implications; the journal studies these questions across the spectrum of risks and crises – natural hazards, public health, terrorism, and societal and environmental disasters, in order to frame successful new policy approaches and to advance social science scholarship broadly. Edited by leading scholars in this major emerging field, the journal will appeal to social science scholars as well as policy makers and practitioners of security, emergency management,