his panel provides a forum for developing and sharing comparative research experiences on the relationship between expertise, research, policy and practice across policy themes, across institutional settings, and across national boundaries. Systemic obstacles to adoption of expert knowledge are well-known. These include the politicised context of policy debates and governmental commitments, the search for political compromises, low awareness of evaluation findings on the part of public officials; and ineffective communication by researchers and other experts. “Bridging” and “brokering” strategies have emerged to promote closer linkages.
CFP - Expertise and evidence - IRSPM Birmingham UK March-April 2015
13:29 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
CFP NISPAcee Annual conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, May 2015
01:58 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
The 23rd NISPAcee Annual Conference
"Insourcing and/or outsourcing: How do they contribute to the public administration reform?"
May 21 -23, 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia
DEADLINE for applications: October 15, 2014
CFP Workshop on social policy formulation and design, Singapore February 2015
01:54 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
The purpose of the workshop is thus to apply the concepts of policy formulation and policy design thinking to the social policy sphere. Papers at the workshop will apply the central concerns in public policy evaluation ‑ effectiveness, efficiency, equity, security, sustainability etc – to different policy tools configurations in order to understand their potential use and limitations across problems and socio-economic contexts. In addition, papers will examine the manner in which policymakers and client groups learn from past experiences, or not, in their design, creation and enactment of social policy.
CFP Interpretive Political Science group - Annual Conference of UK PSA, Sheffield 2015
07:09 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Specialist Groups have priority in the selection of panels and we can propose up to four panels. Submitting your work through our specialist group is the most likely way your paper will be accepted and placed in a panel of like-minded scholars. We are interested in all subjects related to interpretivism and interpretive methods, in the broadest sense of the term, including any research focusing on political language and culture. PhD students are especially welcome to submit a panel or paper proposal.
CFP - Liberalisation and the 'hard sectors' of service delivery - IRSPM Conference, Birmingham April-May 2015
06:48 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Challenges of increasing expectations and austerity have a particularly strong impact on the “hard sectors” of service delivery such as public transport, water and electricity. These sectors entail fixed and extensive infrastructure systems to deliver services (Newbery, 2002). However, the current infrastructure is in dire need of maintenance and investment, as it is reaching the end of its lifespan. At the same time, state funding is being cut, service-quality expectations are rising, and there is a split between a system-overload in urban areas and an over-dimensioned system in rural areas.
Liberalizing the hard sectors has been pursued as a means to address these challenges (Prosser, 2005). Such changes in the governance means lead to key questions of accountability due to marketization, outsourcing and a general decoupling of the operators from politicians. The hard sectors have largely been under-theorized at IRSPM conferences and in related academic literature (Saetren 2005).
Call for panels for the Second International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) - Milan, Italy, July 2015
19:23 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Over the past thirty years, public policy research has grown as an academic field of study in many countries. Involving a range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, including political science, public administration, geography, sociology, economics and law among others, this research has helped develop our understanding of the many phenomena related to public policy-making.
Sponsored by six Research Committees of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and by the public policy section of the American Political Science Association (APSA), and that of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), the first International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) which took place in 2013 at Grenoble, France was a great success with more than 1000 participants.
In order to continue to bring together all researchers who work on public policy and their different approaches and topics, we invite you to attend the second International Conference on Public Policy which will take place at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, in Milan, Italy during 1st-3rd July, 2015.
CFP PA Theory Network Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2015
00:01 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Call for Papers, November 16 Deadline
Public Administration Theory Network Annual Conference, May 29-31, 2015 Metropolitan Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia
Anti-Government: Different this time?
CFP - Global Public Policy Symposium - Los Angeles, December 2014
23:23 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Global Conference on Public Policy and Administration University of Riverside
December 5-6, 2014 Los Angeles (Metro)
CFP - conference on Wicked problems, contested adminstrations - Potsdam, Germany, December 2014
02:59 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
WIPCAD Midterm Conference (4 - 6 December 2014) “Contested Public Organizations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy”
Organizations commonly operate under conditions of high complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Rapidly changing environments exert pressures to which organizations have to respond in order to gain and maintain legitimacy. Public organizations are particularly exposed to such external demands because they are typically embedded in a complex nexus of stakeholders, which often have inconsistent expectations and are ultimately assessed by political criteria. Emergent tensions may not only destabilize organizational structures and routines, but call into question conventional methods of administration. Contestation occurs in at least three areas of core organizational activity: knowledge use and transfer; internal and external coordination; and strategy building.
The WIPCAD Midterm Conference invites researchers to submit proposals for papers that critically examine the dynamics between environments and organizational core activities. The conference theme focuses on how public organizations deal with changing conditions in terms of: (1) knowledge use and transfer; (2) coordination; and (3) strategy building. How do they react to and/or proactively seek to shape environmental conditions in order to gain legitimacy and maintain effectiveness?
Preliminary announcement and CFP, Conference on Health Policy, Kyoto, Japan, Novermber 2014
00:27 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Given their diverse and diversifying populations, Asian countries encounter political and policy challenges. Diverse policies and the politics of diversity can be addressed in various contexts including differences in size and composition of populations, changes of régime, movements of people, multiculturalism, strategies for delivering services and raising revenue Health policymakers are challenged to devise appropriate arrangements for financing and providing health care services as well as collective public health.
On 28-29 November 2014, Ritsumeikan University’s Institute of Human Services will host a conference on “Health Policy and Politics in Asia’s Diversifying Societies” in cooperation with the International Political Science Association’s Research Committee on Comparative Health Policy (IPSA RC25). The conference will address the issues and facilitate communication among social scientists in Asia and across the world. Papers featuring any of the following topics are welcome: • Cross-national comparisons with different degrees of cultural diversity • Analytical papers on policies and politics about diversity in any dimension • Multiculturalism, health policy and politics • Strategies for delivering health services: targeting versus universality • Comparative perspectives on ethnic minorities, youth, the elderly, maternal and child care, prison population.
Policy Conferences 2015 - dates for the diary
13:01 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Dates have been announced for -
- the second International Conference on Public Policy (following the first in Grenoble in 2013), which will be in Milan from 1-3 July 2015
• the tenth Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference, which will be held in Lille (NE France) from 8-10 July.
More detail later.
CFP - Legitimation of Administrative Activity - Hannover, November 2014
23:00 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Your correspondent understands enough German to see that this is a well-organised gathering on an important question, though not enough to follow the discussion, but wishes to draw it to the attention of those with the appropriate skills.
CFP - Contested Public Organizations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy - Berlin, December 2014
22:53 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
WIPCAD Midterm Conference (4 - 6 December 2014) “Contested Public Organizations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy” Organizations commonly operate under conditions of high complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Rapidly changing environments exert pressures to which organizations have to respond in order to gain and maintain legitimacy. Public organizations are particularly exposed to such external demands because they are typically embedded in a complex nexus of stakeholders, which often have inconsistent expectations and are ultimately assessed by political criteria. Emergent tensions may not only destabilize organizational structures and routines, but call into question conventional methods of administration. Contestation occurs in at least three areas of core organizational activity: knowledge use and transfer; internal and external coordination; and strategy building.
The WIPCAD Midterm Conference invites researchers to submit proposals for papers that critically examine the dynamics between environments and organizational core activities. The conference theme focuses on how public organizations deal with changing conditions in terms of: (1) knowledge use and transfer; (2) coordination; and (3) strategy building. How do they react to and/or proactively seek to shape environmental conditions in order to gain legitimacy and maintain effectiveness?
CFP - workshop om non-proportionate policy response, ECPR Warsaw, March-April 2015
04:46 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Moshe Maor and Jale Tosun invite you to submit a paper proposal for the workshop on the Politics of Non-Proportionate Policy Response, which will take place as part of the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, at the University of Warsaw, Poland, from 29 March - 2 April 2015. Registration for paper proposals will open on August 1, 2014, and close on December 1, 2014.
CFP - Social Innovation Research Conference, Fudan, China, May 2015
01:17 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Social Innovation Research Conference (SIRC):
Innovations in public and social policy and in public services delivery - policy and management perspectives on reforming the delivery of public services
Hosted by the School of International Affairs and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
21st – 22nd May 2015
CFP Annual Institute, Society of Policy Scientists, Setpember 2014 Rhodes Is. USA
20:17 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
September 25-27, 2014 Brown University
IPSA Summer School on Research Methods, Ankara, Turkey, August 2014
12:12 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Following a successful first year, the second Summer School on Research Methods in Social Sciences will be held at METU, on 18-29 August 2014. The first program of its kind in Turkey and its neighborhood, the Summer School will bring together prominent international scholars as well as METU faculty to offer PhD students, early career academics and professionals cutting edge qualitative and quantitative social science research methods over a period of two weeks.
CFP - FoJuS Annual Conference, Munich November 2014
10:24 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
Young scholars from public administration, public management, organization research, policy analysis, comparative politics and adjacent fields are cordially invited to submit paper abstracts for this year's Annual Meeting of the Forum of Young State, Public Policy and Administration Scholars (FoJuS), the network for young scholars of the Standing Group on Policy Analysis and Public Administration of the German Political Science Association. 27th - 28th November 2014 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Politics and bureaucracy under pressure: stability and change
Summer School on Detecting Causality in Policy Research, Genoa, Italy, June 2014
09:45 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
The Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan is pleased to announce that Application are OPEN for
Summer School Research Strategies in Policy Studies (ResPoS)
Villa Durazzo • Santa Margherita Ligure June, 16-20 2014
Program for Workshop on Concepts and Methods of Comparative Policy Analysis: "Context Matters”, Mosow, May 2014
16:35 - By Hal Colebatch - Events
11th International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum and JCPA Workshop 27, May 2014 Moscow, Russia
The Workshop is a continuation of the JCPA and ICPA-Forum Celebratory Conference “Validating Methods for Comparative Public Policy: Academia and Government in Dialogue”, held at the University of Leuven (Belgium), 27-30, November 2013.
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