RC32 - Public Policy and Administration

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Journal news

A soecial issue of Foucault Studies on Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities is now available

Foucault Studies Number 18: October 2014: Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities


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CFP on experimental public administration

We have had a call for papers for a symposium on experimental public administration in Public Administration Review.

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latest issue of Central European Journal of Public Policy

The Central European Journal of Public Policy has just published its latest issue at http://www.cejpp.eu/index.php/ojs. Editor-in-Chief Martin Nekola invites you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit the journal's web site to review articles and items of interest.

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Cambridge Studies in Comparative Public Policy is a new series established by Cambridge University Press to promote and disseminate comparative research in public policy. Edited by M. Ramesh, Wu Xun and Michael Howlett, the series welcomes proposals for new books from established scholars and first-time authors alike.

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New book: The Political process of Policymaking

The Political Process of Policymaking A Pragmatic Approach to Public Policy Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy Philippe Zittoun

Palgrave Macmillan, June 2014 ISBN: 978-1-137-34765-7, ISBN10: 1-137-34765-1, 5.430 x 8.500 inches, 224 pages, 1 b/w tables,

	Hardcover	$95.00

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New series on the political economy of public policy

Darryl Jarvis writes to introduce the series Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy and hopes that public policy researchers might consider the series when placing their next manuscript.

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CFP - special issue on ESS Policies and Landscape Dynamics

International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management looks forward to receiving your paper for a forthcoming special issue entitled ESS Policies Landscape dynamics.

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New book: Auditing Good Government in Africa

Maria Gusravson

Auditing Good Government in Africa: Public Sector Reform, Professional Norms and the Development Discourse (Executive Politics and Governance) Hardcover


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New on-line journal: Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies

The Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University and Wiley are delighted to announce that the first issue from the exciting new open access journal Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies is available online now. Further details via the web page:


For the contents of the first issue, read on.

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CFP - special issue of CEJPP on Knowledge in Policy

Call for Papers − Central European Journal of Public Policy Special Issue on Knowledge in Policy: New Perspectives, New Conflicts

Guest editors: Katarína Staroňová (Comenius University) and Michal Sedlačko (University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien)

Over the last two decades a number of policy scholars, international organisations as well as national governments (particularly in OECD countries) increasingly call for a more systematic use of “evidence” in public policy making. Evidence can, in this respect, be defined as explicit and systematic knowledge that corresponds to scientific criteria of quality – and appears also under names of “(scientific) expertise”, “facts” and others. Increased use of evidence has implications in terms of changes in the structure of policy making processes, the measure of influence that various actors can exert on these processes, skills of administrative staff and division of labour in public organisations, as well as technologies and organisational procedures introduced in public organisations to enable “management” of knowledge. At the same time, the trend towards more systematic use of evidence in policy practice redefines the legitimacy criteria for public policy and opens up new conflict arenas centred on knowledge production and use (see, for example, the recent public discussions around the IPCC reports or the debates on democratisation of science).

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CFP - Special issue on discourse in environmental policy

Call for Papers

Special Issue: Discourse, power and environmental policy Two decades of discursive policy analysis

Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning

Deadline for abstract submission: March 31st, 2014

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CFP - Special Issue on Global Policy and Transnational Administration

Public policy studies have been bound by the Westphalian concept of sovereignty. Yet, increasingly at the transnational level there have been a proliferation of administrative practices and processes of policy-making and policy delivery beyond but often overlapping with traditional nation-state policy processes. New formal and informal institutions at the international level (i.e. transnational public administration) are behind these policy processes often in cooperation with national public administrations but sometimes quite independently from them.

Examples include practices such as the OECD’s standard setting and 'best practice' to the World Bank's 'global programs. There are many other 'multi-stakeholder initiatives', 'global public-private partnerships' and 'Global Commissions'. While policy norms and agendas may have global resonance, nevertheless the pattern of policy action can vary considerably. Implementation may occur at national or local levels in different countries more or less contemporaneously, or also in problem contexts that are cross-border and co-jurisdictional, hence our use of the term ‘transnational administration’.

These developments represent a challenge to traditional policy and public administration studies which have tended to undertake analysis of the capacity of public sector hierarchies to globalise national policies rather than to ask if there is transnational policy-making above and beyond the state. There is little conceptualisation of global public policy – policy that is either co-authored by states, in coalition with other actors such as in ‘global public private partnerships’ or ‘private’ global policy and of transnational public administration. This special edition calls for papers that interrogate the idea of ‘global policy processes’ and the emergence of various modalities of ‘transnational administration’.

Guest Editors: Professor Diane Stone, Murdoch University (and University of Warwick). Email: d.stone@murdoch.edu.au

Dr Stella Ladi, Queen Mary, University of London. Email: s.ladi@qmul.ac.uk

We look forward to receiving submissions of papers via he Public Administration Manuscript Central pages by 1st June 2014.

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CFP - Exploring the Theoretical Nexus between Public Policy and Public Management” - Policy Studies Journal

The complexity in the study of policy, politics, and government necessitates a partitioning to develop common languages and shared research agendas. One of these partitions can be found between the fields of public management and public policy where the subjects are often taught in different classes from the undergraduate to graduate levels, where journals often focus on one field or the other, and where clustering of social networks among scholars are mostly within field with fewer cross-field links. While the benefits of partitioning in generating a productive research trajectory are substantial, it limits opportunities for shared learning and collaboration.

The Policy Studies Journal is proudly soliciting proposals for a forthcoming special issue entitled, “Exploring the Theoretical Nexus between Public Policy and Management.” This special issue works from a basic assumption that, while the partition between public policy and public management is essential for developing research agendas, the partition is equally artificial; that many of the puzzles found in public policy and public management overlap; and that lessons can be learned from both fields to advance each other. Co-Editors: Edella Schlager, Craig Smith, Chris Weible, and Andrew Whitford

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The Charles Taylor Book Award 2014

The Interpretive Methodologies and Methods Conference Group of the APSA seeks nominations for the Charles Taylor Book Award for the best book in political science that employs or develops interpretive methodologies and methods.

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Annual Review of Policy Design

Michael Howlett tells us that the first issue of the new open-access Annual Review of Policy Design has been published and is available on-line. The review is located at http://annualreviewofpolicydesign.com

The review publishes original articles and reprints of current and classic pieces dealing with policy design research and theory. It is a project of the National University of Singapore Policy Design Lab (see http://policy-design.org for more information on the Lab and its activities.)

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New on-line journal

The Crawford School of Public Policy has launched the first issue of its new on-line journal 'Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies.'

Further information from the journal website:

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new journal special issue

Martin Nekola (Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague) tells us that the Central European Journal of Public Policy has just published a special issue on Policy Work, Policy Advisory Systems and Politicization (Vol 7, No 1, 2013) , and invited us to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to see the articles and items of interest (http://www.cejpp.eu/index.php/ojs/issue/view/15. To see the table of contents, read on

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New book

Policy analysis in Germany Edited by Sonja Blum, Austrian Institute for Family Studies, University of Vienna, Austria and Klaus Schubert, Institute of Political Science, Münster University, Germany. This comprehensive study, part of the International Library of Policy Analysis, brings together for the first time a systemic overview of policy analysis activities in Germany. Written by leading experts in the field, including informed practitioners, it outlines the development of the discipline, identifies its role in academic education and research, and examines its styles and methods. The book also focuses on the role of policy analysis for governments and parliaments, for parties, social partners, and interest groups. By offering a rich and timely analysis of policy analysis in Germany, this book is a valuable resource for academic exchange and for teaching, particularly in the fields of political science, social sciences, economics and geography. Moreover, by its broad, comprehensive understanding of ‘policy analysis’, the book will be of practical relevance and shape the debate for the future development of policy analysis in Germany and the different spheres where it is practised. Sonja Blum is a political scientist and Senior Researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria. Her academic interests are policy analysis, comparative welfare state research, family policy, and the role of evidence and learning in policy-making. Klaus Schubert holds the chair on German Politics and Policy Analysis at the Institute for Political Science of the University of Münster, Germany. His major fields of research and publication are comparative policy analysis, especially social and welfare policies, as well as politics and economics. HB £90.00 978-1-4473-0625-2 July 2013 EPDF £90.00 978-1-4473-0626-9  International Library of Policy Analysis This major new series brings together for the first time a detailed examination of the theory and practice of policy analysis systems at different levels of government and by non-governmental actors in a specific country. It therefore provides a key addition to research and teaching in comparative policy analysis and policy studies more generally. For more information visit www.policypress.co.uk/series_ilpa 


New journal

The Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University has launched a new journal call Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies as the flagship journal of the school. No issues have yet appeared, but a call for papers has been issued, which states that it is a peer-reviewed journal that targets research in policy studies in Australia, Asia and the Pacific, across a discipline focus that includes economics, political science, governance, development and the environment.

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new book available online

Engaging with Carol Bacchi: Strategic interventions and exchanges, a new book edited by Angelique Bletsas and Chris Beasley.

The book illuminates and elaborates on Bacchi’s ‘What’s the Problem Represented to be?’ (WPR) approach to policy analysis. It includes new contributions from Bacchi, and Beasley and Bacchi, and exchanges with scholars who have drawn upon her work.

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